Episode 7 Aritone Singadon

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Cody and Mario jumped through the statue that appeared when Mario defeated a goop monster. Cody and Mario were debating on whether to just go into the portal knowing that Shadow Mario is awaiting their arrival, or to plan their tactics before just jumping straight into saving the princess. Mario was stuck strictly on saving the princess, he didn't think much into it. Cody didn't agree so much as he rebelled against the whole idea. 

When they jumped through the portal they were standing on a hilltop with concrete and grass on both left and right sides and water traveling down the concrete. 

''Are you kidding!?'' Cody yelled. 

''This is the only way to save the princess.'' Mario said. 

''Listen, we need to think out a plan before we just jump straight into things!'' Cody yelled.

''Saving the princess is my only priority.'' Mario said. 

''What about the island!? What about cleaning this mess up?'' Cody asked.

''I will deal with that along the way.'' Mario said. 

Mario started to head down the hilltop and Cody saw a Pianta sitting beneath a tree with sunglasses on. He wanted to ask for help but he knew that wouldn't help so he followed Mario down the hilltop that had water flowing down the concrete. Mario went down perfectly while Cody slid down unintentionally and almost screamed. 

''Talking about jumping into things huh?'' Mario asked. 

Cody fell into the small lake ahead and the water splashed hard against the ground as Mario began to run down but he was more balanced with movement. As Cody was in the water he could feel his eyes glowing and he started to breathe and practically drown. He started to see Shadow Mario not to far from them but he didn't see the princess, he only could see Shadow Mario awaiting for them to arrive. Shadow Mario was standing on a windmill tower. 

As soon as Cody was no longer able to see Shadow Mario, he quickly swam upwards and got on a log. He jumped over 2 logs to get to land which wasn't very far. He realized Mario was already halfway there when he finally dried up quickly after being in water. 

''Okay this is weird.'' Cody dusted himself. 

Cody continued to find Shadow Mario. Meanwhile Martin woke up and realized he was laying in a bed wrapped in brown sheets with nothing but red pajamas on. He could see a brown dresser to his left and to his right was a mirror where he saw himself and spotted a weird marking on his arm. He quickly got up and pushed the covers off of him. He touched around the weird marking, it looked like a weird marking that had a hawk and a wolf mixture. 

He heard foot steps coming towards the door in front of him by only a few feet. He didn't have his gloves and wasn't prepared for anything that was coming through that door. He kept pacing every movement the person was making as it was getting closer. He started to see the doorknob shake and twisted itself open. Martin felt his back hurting and dropped back down to the bed. He hit the pillow and slightly shut his eyes. 

A few other people came in the door as well and he could feel them gathering around him and their bodies making his sight darker by the minute. 

''We can't lose him!'' A girl yelled. 

''Hey... that voice...'' Martin was hardly able to talk. 

''It's me Martin.'' She said. 

''Kaitlyn?'' Martin asked.

''Yes, but you need to rest, your body is severely damaged.'' Kaitlyn said.

''Wait... where is Spaz?'' Martin asked. 

''He is right here.'' Kaitlyn pointed out.

''We almost died you idiot! You shouldn't have passed out on me.'' Spaz said.

Martin's eyes started to slowly shut and Kaitlyn put her hands over his stomach and started to heal him as green aura began to form around her hands. Kaitlyn felt guilty that she threw him into the forest and even though it wasn't her that actually did it, she felt as though it was her fault anyways. 

Link and Zelda entered the room and looked at Martin in grief. They couldn't help but to want to help him since he's been through so much lately. 

''Will he be ok?'' Link asked.

''I don't know for sure, but we'll find out when he wakes up.'' Kaitlyn said. 

''Kaitlyn.'' Zelda grabbed Kaitlyn's shoulder. ''You taught me so much these past few months and I'm proud to call you a friend of mine and even though we have had our ups and downs. I don't have a doubt in my mind that you are the Maiden Of Hope.'' Zelda continued.

Kaitlyn smiled in happiness and closed her eyes hoping that time would freeze the moment. When she opened up her eyes she looked at Link and Zelda and started to give them a bright smile. 

''You guys are the Heroes Of Time, I know that I have helped you guys but you guys did all of that on your own.'' Kaitlyn said. 

She didn't want to show her soft side so she wrapped it up like a present and covered it with a brave inspirational statement. Kaitlyn loved Link and Zelda but she didn't truly feel they could survive on their own because they are just kids. She didn't want to ruin the moment by breaking it to them but she knew that the second they got kidnapped by Xylen, the man behind all this madness. 

She clutched her fists just thinking about it and thinking about how weak she was as well. She was trapped in her thoughts and allowing every terrible that has happened to her to control her mind. She didn't know how to express herself without hurting people even when she didn't want to. Even now she still doesn't know her true strength and she thinks of herself as weak and only useful when healing is needed.

''I've got something to tell you Idiots!'' Spaz yelled.

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