Episode 4 Old Friends and Training Academy Prep

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Maddi and Jen backed away from Danny in fear. They didn't know what he was truly capable of and Jen was about to transform but her Larlif form wasn't allowing her because something was messing with her powers. 

''Why can't I transform?!!'' Jen looked at her hands in confusion. 

''Maybe it's because you're being a sore loser...'' Maddi said. 

''Sore loser!? Me!? Don't make me laugh, I just love fighting.'' Jen said. 

Maddi smirked in agreement. 

''Heh!'' Maddi laughed. 

''What's so funny!?'' Jen asked. 

''Oh nothing, I'm only smiling because you won't be this way for long.'' Maddi said. 

Jen quickly lifted her fist and Maddi put up her hands in order to defend herself. Danny knew that even if he could interfere and stop them, they'd just go and fight again which is why he stood against the wall with his arms crossed and his right palm on his face in impatience. 

Maddi and Jen quickly paused because they heard their names being called from down the hall. 

''Maddi! Jen! And Danny!'' Telethia yelled. 

''Sensei?'' Maddi asked.

''I'm guessing that if she's calling our names she must be, because no one else appears to be on this floor.'' Jen said. 

''If you don't shut your mouth! All I ask if for some peace and quiet and all I get it a lot of mouth from you!'' Maddi yelled. 

''Well since we working together, I'm going to make sure I torment you as long as I can.'' Jen said. 

The 3 headed down the hallway to their sensei, she was in the door on the right side of the halls. They headed inside and they were given watches that allowed them to teleport to certain locations just in case something  happens.

''Listen guys, sit down and let me explain something to you guys.'' Telethia said. 

Maddi and her team sat in empty chairs and payed attention to Telethia. 

''Ok, you guys are now game jumpers, that means you are allowed to jump into games but only for mission purposes not for your own special needs. The watches you were given allow you to teleport to where you want to go like if you wanted to go to Don Sinodium for example, you would have to open up the watch by tapping the middle part of the screen and hit the map button when it turns on. It should turn bright blue once you guys have activated it and then boom, you're there.'' Telethia explained. 

''Wait.... how does that even work? Like, how was it built??'' Danny asked. 

''Well it's just something that doesn't need an explanation because I myself have no idea how this thing works I only know the instructions on how to use it not how it was built, but what I do know is that it doesn't work when you travel to games.'' Telethia said. 

''What!? So then what's the use of even having them then??'' Maddi asked. 

''They work in video games but they don't work to bring you back here, only to the nearest location that could help bring you there and maybe not even that, it all depends.'' Telethia said.

''This is bull-crap because I thought maybe it would help us get back here just in case we glitch or something.'' Jen said. 

''Glitch eh? Well glitching doesn't happen as much when you're actually the person in the game. If you're playing the game then you glitch because you don't have full control over the character or maybe you found an unfinished location which would teleport you automatically to where you were when you first traveled to that location.'' Telethia said.  

''Listen, we don't have the experience to travel yet, we're not even qualified yet so why are we even learning about this? I heard we can't travel to games until we graduated from the Game-Jump Academy.'' Danny said. 

''What do you think I'm here for? I'm obviously here to teach you guys how to pass the academy and head on to the Jump finals.'' Telethia said. 

''Jump finals!? There's a jump finals!? This is an outrage.'' Jen said.

''Quiet fool, you're an outrage.'' Telethia said. 

Jen backed away in shock. 

''How could you!? You're making fun of your own student!'' Jen yelled. 

''Oh shush up! They'll be plenty of insults for all of you guys.'' Telethia laughed. 

Telethia heard a noise coming from the halls and so did her students as they turned towards the door. It started off distant but then it started to get close. Telethia walked towards the door and cautiously looked outside the door to see what it was. 

The second she put her face out the door someone rammed into her and they both tumbled to the ground. 

''Sensei!'' Her students yelled. 

Telethia and the person that rammed into her both got up and looked at each other.

''Manic!?'' Telethia yelled. 

''Telethia!?'' Manic yelled. 

''I can't believe I see you here again after what you did.'' Telethia said. 

''I know, but I had a good reason to do what I did, and you know that.'' Manic said. 

''Look, I don't have time for this, why are you even here?'' Telethia asked. 

''Why am I on this floor? Well I need your help along with your students.'' Manic said. 

''Why? They aren't even trained enough to travel yet, they need their equipment.'' Telethia said. 

''I know that you hardly trust me but I think they're ready. I've actually met that girl in the room right there.'' Manic pointed to Maddi. 

''Okay and??? What's that supposed to mean!? I'm not changing my mind, if you have a problem water face than go talk to Principle Darnic.'' Telethia said. 

''You haven't changed a bit, T, still insulting me. You've been doing that since I was a freshman, hehe good times.'' Manic smiled. 

''Oh shut up, you were such a nerd back when we were in high school.'' Telethia said. 

''We were Team Red, before they changed the team names to animals.'' Manic said. 

''Yeah.'' Telethia smiled.

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