Episode 5 Conflicted Past

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Telethia was hesitant to let her students go with Manic, or at least alone. She didn't want them to get hurt and die, she could hardly breathe just thinking about it. She started to remember everything her and Manic used to do on when she was their age, before Mortagus became so strict on game traveling. Manic looked into her eyes and saw every mistake he made in his conflicted past. He wasn't sure why she was acting this way towards him but he did have an idea as to how it could have happened. 

It all started on their senior year. Manic, Telethia and Scylin had to come to their last survival exercise with their Sensei, Rowin Weynette, or Rowin Sensei. It was in the middle of a forest where it all began, how they all became a team. Manic and his team looked each other in the eye as if it was the last time they were going to see each other and Rowin stood in front of them with his arms crossed behind his back.

''Ok guys, this is our last exercise before you're all on your own.'' Rowin said.

''This is all happening so fast, I remember it as if it was just yesterday.'' Telethia said. 

Telethia's voice started to mess up, she couldn't speak right because she was so upset and she didn't want to stop working with them.

''This isn't the time to cry, we should be happy we all met each other, I trade the bond we made for the world.'' Manic said. 

''Manic's right, I mean after all, we had some good times, and it's not like we all won't still be here, right?'' Scylin asked.

''Right!'' Manic said.

''Right!'' Telethia said.

''Ok, now that the sympathetic part is out of the way, how about you all come at me with everything you got.'' Rowin said. 

''Sensei.'' Telethia gasped. 

''No, we can do this! Remember what Sensei said when we first met?'' Manic asked.

''There's only one way to win in life and in order to win is to lose. Because losing makes you want to try harder each time and all of you will one day show me how powerful you are one day.'' Rowin said.

''You're right! He did say that didn't he? I mean how could I get so sentimental over something so stupid!? Let's do this!'' Telethia yelled.

''Ahhhhhhhhhhh!'' Manic ran and so did Scylin with Telethia behind them. 

The trees were surrounding them as they ran closer to their Sensei and their Sensei proudly stood tall with a proud smile that only he showed from the inside. 

(I'm so proud of you guys, this is the last time I get to call you my students. I can't even call you guys wannabees anymore or Idiots because you've grown up so much.) Rowin thought. 

The sky was dark and Manic and his teammates were on their final battle against their Sensei. Scylin jumped on the tree to his right to hide while Telethia jumped on the left tree while Manic fought him head on. 

Manic ran at Rowin with full speed ahead with his eyebrows sure of who the winner was going to be. 

When Manic started to get close Rowin pushed up his left palm with his right hand behind his back. Manic swung at Rowin's face and Rowin caught it with his hand within a matter of seconds. Rowin showed no sign of fear even with him knowing that his students have almost made it to his level. 

He grabbed Manic's hand quickly and twisted it around, not fully but enough just to make Manic scream. 

''Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!'' Manic yelled. 

''You let me grab you. But why? You should know the only way around your opponent is the opponent itself. It's like fear.'' Rowin said. 

Rowin threw Manic at a tree and caused him to fly meters through several of them. Telethia put her left finger on her temple and focused as hard as she could. 

''Got it!'' Telethia whispered.

Scylin was trying to use his telekinesis to smash Rowin into the trees that were next to him. He slightly lifted both of the trees that and tried to make sure it wasn't as obvious and Rowin stood there waiting for the next student to appear before him. 

Telethia jumped out of the tree and was no longer hiding, she was standing right before Rowin. They eyed each other like dogs and cats. 

''Master, I want to show you how much you've teached me over the years. I want to prove to you that I am the 'Reborn Blossom' that you nicknamed me. I won't let you down!'' Telethia yelled. 

''Heh, Telethia you've proved to become a very precise young lady. You have always been the 'Reborn Blossom' that I nicknamed you. All I need now is for you to show me that you know that yourself.'' Rowin said.

''I remember when you told me that the true technique to winning was to discover your opponent's tactics whilst in battle and that if you survive long enough you just might win.'' Telethia said.

''I did say that didn't I? Well I would love to fight all 3 of you but unfortunately Manic wasn't able to stick around since I knocked him across the forest but I really just want to enjoy training you guys for the last time.'' Rowin said.

''This isn't training Sensei and you know it. This is a fight for the true graduate.'' Telethia said.

Rowin put his hand on his forehead, he knew she was right so he stood there silently. 

Scylin jumped off the tree and landed next to Telethia. 

''What's she talking about!?'' Scylin asked.

''I didn't know she foun-'' Rowin was interrupted.

''Tell me!'' Scylin yelled.

''Fine, this is a training session but it's also a competition so even though you guys are working together, only one person can truly graduate which means they can head off to Ravenyard University or another good college to truly learn whatever you dream.'' Rowin explained.

''Why wasn't I informed this before!?'' Scylin asked.

''Because you wouldn't work properly as a functional team.'' Rowin said. 

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