Episode 3 Team Setup

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The school, Mortagus, was on the lookout and preparing for anyone suspicious who could have been the cause as to why Cody and his friends have went missing. Seletha and her team were traveling the school and the Princess, Maddi Gissele, had her own team as well. She's been around the school and even helped the school fight off the robot attack a few months ago, She tried to keep a low profile though because she didn't want to be treated differently by anyone.

Maddi and her team which had a guy named Danny Yahniko and a girl named Jenny Ganarfe but people just call her Jen. 

Danny Yahniko is a sparagon like Maddi which is a human and game traveler and comes from a family who was once known as the sole creator of Math Users, which summons numbers that can be used to make clones of yourself or to confuse the opponents mind and other effects and that is also his element. Danny is new to the school as well as Jen, the school rules are that they pair new students together because people who learn together, stick together, or at least in the school's case. 

Jenny Ganarfe is a Morphogon which is a person who can morph into whatever animal they are given during birth. She can only use it whenever she is angry because she cannot control it and doesn't know the rules of transforming into the animal she was chosen. The animal she was given is called a Larlif which is a 5'5' feet tall when standing but 3'3 when standing on feet and has the face of a dragon but has the legs of a dog but a little larger so it can support it's weight. It's color is black with a small purple mixture. 

She comes from a family of Speed users which is pretty self-explanatory. Their element is wind but she only can use so much wind techniques since her main power source is gained from speed and agility. 

Maddi figured out her powers without the ring she was given which made her realize why she belonged there. She comes from a family who is from royalty and doesn't really use powers but focuses more on the rings they were given which is a family heirloom of theirs that they use to protect themselves. Maddi's figured out that she is a reverse user which means she can transfer any energy that she obtains from contact of any object or anyone. She has restrains though because if the person or object is too strong it could potentially kill her or badly injure her.

She can also transfer energy from her body to someone else's which means that if one of her friends need more energy to use their powers she can transfer some of hers and give it to them. 

Maddi and her team were named 'Team Lion' and their sensei is a female trainer named 'Telethia Manroso' who is a new sensei as well as a new graduate from Mortagus. She is a animal user which means she can get in contact with animals and talk to them, but only she can understand them because only animal users can use that technique and she can summon them as well such as dogs, foxes etc. 

Telethia called her team to their training classroom on the 4th floor. Mortagus has over 40 floors that consists of over 20 rooms per floor. Maddi was walking in the halls with her two teammates and they headed to the elevator which had nothing in it, once you walk inside it takes you to whatever floor you think about going to. 

They headed to the 4th floor and looked for the room their teacher was in. 

''She didn't tell us what room she was in!'' Maddi said. 

''I know, it's quite a predicament we're in isn't it?'' Danny said. 

''It sure is, this is why I say we should cut class and go to a game.'' Jenny said. 

Jenny is rebellious and emotionless(at times), she can be a little hard to deal with especially when she hears a loud noise which sparks her Larlif form to appear and take control of her. It's hard to calm her down when she's very angry, and if she doesn't calm down to a certain level then it could resort to her being taken down or put to sleep. Mortagus has had it's times that Morphogons almost took over the school from them being so controlling and filled with pride. 

''Cutting class??? My parents would kill me if they found out, I think heading class would be our best bet.'' Danny said. 

Danny is very calm and gentle, he doesn't like anger or getting angry. He has his fare share of moments where he is angry but he realizes that he needs to calm down because he can't bare hurting anyone he truly cares about. He doesn't want to resort to killing anyone either because he believes in second chances. His family has had a nice and formal background and Mortagus has trusted them for such a long time without a doubt. 

''Look guys, I think that's the room over there!'' Jenny pointed out. 

''How do we know?'' Maddi asked. 

''Because it says 'Hey Team Lion I'm in here''' Jenny said. 

Maddi's head got hot and she growled in anger and got in Jenny's face. 

''Grrrrrr! I sense sass!'' Maddi yelled. 

''Are you really grrr-ing at a Morphogon? A user of animal morphing? I take that offensive and I will not allow you to offend me any further so I suggest you shut up before I make you!'' Jenny yelled.

''Make me then!'' Maddi yelled. 

Maddi and Jenny threw fists at each other and the wind between their hands clashed but before they made contact Danny stopped it using both of his hands to stop Maddi and Jenny. 

''Enough! We're teammates! That means we don't fight each other, we only fight enemies.'' Danny yelled. 

Jenny took Danny's hand and attempted to flip him over but his body didn't move even when she used some of her Larlif strength. 

''What are you?!!'' Jenny asked.

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