Chapter 2: Frisk

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It's been a week since the experiment. You were stuck at home, though you suppose you didn't mind. You, Chara, Flowey, and Napstablook watched movies, played board games, slept in the living room in giant pillow forts, a hundred things. Sure, you couldn't leave the house or even be in a room by yourself, but that didn't matter at the moment.

"(N/N)-chan!" Chara yells, jumping on your lap. You quirked a brow, shifting your attention from the movie to the killer. "Can I run to the store to get some marshmallows?" You shrug and nod, looking back at the movie. Chara grins and ran off, grabbing Flowey on the way. You scowl slightly at this - Chara and Flowey being gone wasn't something you liked. Sure, Napstablook had powers, but - that's when you realize, you had already allowed Nap to dash to his place for some more games.

Which means you're home alone.

You curl into a ball upon realizing this, the blanket draped loosely around your shoulders becoming a second skin. The door opens, you can hear that well. Soft footsteps, stepping into the kitchen. You wait, hoping against hope that it's Chara, trying to scare you.

"(Y/N)," A soft voice coos. You bite your lip, trying hard to keep from making a sound. "(Y/N)," the voice continues, stepping closer to your cocoon. A hand pats your head, trying to goad you out of hiding. You whimper, fear sending all your senses into overdrive. The blanket is slowly peeled away, Frisk's grinning face meeting yours. "Hello, my love," Frisk smiles, lightly poking your nose. You shrink back, squeezing your eyes shut. If they can't see you, they can't harm you, right? "Come on, sweetheart, don't hide. I'm not gonna hurt you." Frisk sounds sincere, and a part of you is compelled to open your eyes. They crouch in front of you, brushing a stray (H/C) strand out of your face. Your breath is shallow, your cheeks admittedly red. You turn your options over in your head; if you cooperate, they'll play nice. You hope.

With that, you slowly push off your blanket. Frisk helps you, hesitating each time before allowing their skin to brush against yours. Free, now, you force your frozen legs to bear your weight and stand. Frisk is grinning, a cold glint in their eyes. "See?" They ask, voice encouraging if a not a little patronizing, "I told you you could do it!" You can't remember seeing that light since the last genocide run, about three resets ago. You offer a weak smile, trying to quell the fear in your heart.

You stand a few inches above Frisk, a fact you often held with pride. Now, no matter how much taller you are, you feel like a child. Frisk leans up, and you close your eyes out of habit. Soft, warm lips press against your nose, and you fight the urge to sneeze. "Frisk," you ask softly, cracking your eyes open to study their face, "what're you doing?"

Frisk's grin widens, and the blush on your cheeks is replaced by a slight paleness at their eyes. "I'm just claiming what's mine," they hum, kissing your nose again. You scowl at this, which they notice. "Don't worry, my dear. You'll learn to love it, I promise. You'll love me, too, and everything will be as it should."

Your stomach drops, your mind grinding to a halt as you face the very real possibility that you could die soon. Frisk, noticing your distress, wraps their arms around your neck and kisses your nose again. You shut your eyes, a wave of nausea causing you to whine in fear. "Baby," Frisk whispers, resting their forehead on yours, "don't be upset." They pause, and you bite your lip. "Are you afraid the others will try and take you away from me?"

You fear what will happen if you answer incorrectly. You suppose you are afraid of the others, so it wouldn't be a lie. A slow nod, large (E/C) gaze watching the other. Frisk's smile was soft, almost pitiful, and she grabs your hand. "Well, then we'll have to mark you, won't we?"

Your heart speeds up, and you shake your head, mentally scolding yourself for trying to play along. Your head feels a bit off, fuzzy, almost, but you contribute it to fear. Frisk narrows their eyes, looking confused. "No? Then how do you suggest we make sure you're mine?" Your tongue feels swollen, and you can do nothing but shrug, eyes cast down. Frisk muzzles your neck, the blush returning at the sickening, yet affectionate act. Had you not known the situation, not been in danger, you probably would have enjoyed it. But now? Now, you wanted to throw up any time their skin touched yours.

With a tug, Frisk pulls you towards the door. "W-wait," you stutter, spell broken and fear in full force, "sh-shouldn't I get s-some clothes or something?"

Frisk pauses, considering this. "I don't want your perfection contaminated by things others than me," they decide. "We'll get you some new things once we get home." You try to find another solution, another way to stall, but your mind is blank.

"Come little children

I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment," Frisk begins to sing. The song was one you've heard before, but when they sang it, you felt hypnotized. You wonder how she is able to do this - perhaps Alphys would know. Your heart slows done into a more comfortable beat, and your eyes close slightly in relaxation.

"Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows." Frisk is smiling, something that invites you closer. Shouldn't you be running? Shouldn't you be afraid? Why weren't you? No, no this wasn't right, Frisk was insane, you know that. So why are you following them? Run, run, you have to run, you know that. Why aren't your feet moving, no they are, but they're moving in the wrong way, what are you doing, feet?

"Follow, sweet children

I'll show thee the way

Through all the pain and the sorrows

Weep not poor children

For life is this way

Murdering beauty and passions." This line sticks out to you, but you can't remember why. Why is Frisk smiling a little more, almost cruelly? Are they going to hurt you? Should you be scared? Why should be scared of one who loves you? But they don't love you. Right? You don't know anymore.

"Hush now, dear children

It must be this way

To weary of life and deceptions." Deception? Who was Frisk deceiving? You're nearly out the door, you notice. You still can't resist, and with every second, you sink further into their spell. You can't remember whether you should be scared or not.

"Rest now, my children

For soon we'll away

Into the calm and the quiet." Quiet. Everything is unbearably quiet.

"Come little children

I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment." You can't fight their enchantment, can you?

"Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows." Dark. Everything is dark.

Frisk is grinning even wider. You like seeing them happy. It's cold. It's dark. It's night. Where are you going? You don't know. What do you know? You. . . Don't know. They beckon you closer. They grab your hand. It's not cold anymore. You're not scared, anymore. You're. . . not. . .

Frisk is pulled away by a vine. A hand grabs yours, and drags you to the house. You blink, a haze you hadn't fully realized was there, lifting. Flowey flings Frisk a few meters away, making sure they landed in a snow drift. That was all you could see before Chara slams the door closed.

"What the hell, (Y/N)!?" Chara yells, slapping your head lightly. "Why would you just walk away with them!?"

You blink harder, trying to focus your mind into one coherent thought. "I. . . Wh. . . Didn't. . ." Why wasn't your mouth working?

Napstablook hovers next to Chara, watching you closely. "I think Frisk did something to her. . ." he mutters.

Chara huffs, but takes a closer look at you. You're having a hard time standing upright, and she has to grab your arm to keep you steady. "It's like she's been drugged," Chara says, looking you carefully in the eye. You open your mouth to argue, but nothing comes out. The exhaustion comes in a wave, and you fall to the ground, entering the Land of the Night. "(Y/N), now is not the time to sleep!" Chara yells. Doesn't matter - you're asleep now, the effects of Frisk's. . . whatever it was they had done, lulling you further into dreams.

Experiments:Yandere!Assorted Characters x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora