Chapter 6: Sans

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All of you are lazing around the house. It's unbearably hot there, and since no one can open the windows, five different fans run in the living room alone. Alphys has come both to reinforce the defense and mess around with your outlets. Now, you can have up to forty or so high-powered things plugged in and on without worrying about shorting anything out.

You're dressed in a tank top and shorts - not your first choice of outfit, but extreme times call for extreme measures. The sofa, for now, is your home, because you're far too hot and tired to move. Even if you want to, you really can't; Chara, also dressed in a tank top and shorts, is sprawled out on top of you.

How had that happened? Chara had been floating above you, dropping a string in front of your nose and watching you play with it, before exhaustion caused her to crash right into you.

You have a spray gun filled with ice water, and periodically spray yourself, Chara, and Flowey. The flower is asleep, vines splayed out over the table.

The only one who seems unaffected is Napstablook. He's floating around the room, trying to get everyone up and vigilant. This falls on deaf ears, of course. Chara curls into a ball, and you can tell she's asleep. You'd push her off if you could, but you're too tired. The heat is sapping whatever strength you have, leaving you a puddle of sweat and exhaustion.

"(Y/N)," Napstablook whines, trying to pull your arm. You grunt in response, allowing him to tug, knowing how fruitless it is. Napstablook wouldn't use force unless it was absolutely necessary, so you didn't have to worry about being pulled off the sofa. "Play games with me. Read me a story. Just do something, please."

You groan, throwing your other arm over your eyes to block the light. "Lemme nap first," you mutter, stretching your back as much as you could without disturbing the sleeping spirit.

Napstablook pulls your arm away, and you groan loudly. "Stop trying to sleep!" The ghost yells in aggravation.

"You should really listen to him," Sans chimes in.

You barely lift your head. Sans is sitting in the armchair a few feet away from you. You know you should be panicking, but damn is that too much work.

Napstablook immediately floats in front of you, a light blue glow encasing his form. "How did you get in, Sans?" He whimpers - you all knew what the skeleton could do if he was angry.

"I've been here," Sans replied, stretching out and putting his hands behind his head, "since you guys first locked yourselves in. I considered coming out earlier, but that was too much work. Now, though, it won't take much."

You consider running, but your legs have fallen asleep. Chara, awoken by the talking, grunts in annoyance and turns on her side.

"What if I don't wanna move?" You ask the skeleton.

"You don't have to, sweetheart," Sans coos. Slightly unnerving, sure, but at least you don't have to do anything.

Napstablook tries to send a bolt of magic at Sans' chest. The skeleton had no problem deflecting the blast and pinning Nap against a wall. You feel energy covering you like a blanket.

You close your eyes and try to force the exhaustion away. This feeling, you realize, is similar to the one you had with Frisk. You can barely think, can barely move, don't particularly want to. It seems time, like you, is running through tar. You come to another realization; all the new abilities your friends have are extremes of one of their personality traits. So, arguably, if you find a way to manipulate that personality trait which you've come to know so well, then there's not a need for anyone to get hurt.

Experiments:Yandere!Assorted Characters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now