Chapter 4: Chara (Repost)

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You're sitting in the living room, reading (Book of Choice). The smell of rotting flesh has long since left the house - though you still hadn't finished cleaning out the fridge, enough air freshener has been sprayed to cover the scent.

Admittedly, you all should have been working to clean the fridge. Napstablook and Flowey had gone to the store, supposedly to get trash bags, gloves, and so on. You had a feeling they were mostly doing it to avoid the daunting task, but you couldn't blame them.

Chara was in the bathroom. You note to yourself, as your mind shifts from your story to the spirit, that Chara spends a lot of time in the bathroom lately. At first, you think it's just a digestive thing - spirits probably have difficulty with normal food. As you think about this more, you tell yourself that can't be the reason - Chara can solidify, and often makes fun of Napstablook for his slow-moving bathroom tendencies.

As you set your book down to think more critically of the situation, a whisper catches your attention. Puzzled, you stand, down the hall to the bathroom. You hear Chara talking, apparently to herself, but you can't make out the words.

A part of you is worried - is she alright? Is she struggling with her violent tendencies? Is she depressed? No, it doesn't sound like that. You listen closer, and begin to hear phrases like, "you can do it," and "stop being such a wimp and go."

If she's psyching herself up for something and wants to talk to herself in the bathroom, you think as you slowly walk away, who am I to blame her? Not like it's unheard of for someone to talk to themselves - hell, I'm doing it now! You chuckle to yourself and plop back down on the sofa, grabbing your book again.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opens, and Chara storms out. You don't bother looking up until she's right next to you.

"(Y/N)," Chara says firmly. You give her your full attention. The spirit quickly hugs you, smashing her cheek against your torso. She has a stubborn look on her face, and her normally pink cheeks are turning red. "I just wanted to say that even though I'm here under bad circumstances, I've had a lot of fun hanging out with you and I hope we still can once this is over." Before you can respond, Chara jumps up and runs back to the bathroom. You blink several times, going over her words in your head. Eventually, you shrug and turn back to your book - if Chara wants to elaborate on that, explain why she was blushing, that's her choice. You can't fight the small smile that makes it's way onto your face, nor the light pink that taints your cheeks. Little weirdo.


A/N: Hey, guys. The school finally blocked Wattpad on the laptop, so I'm back to using my phone. Thus, updates will be a little slower, but not to fear; I'm stockpiling some chapters. Don't worry, you'll get out of the house soon. Ciao~

(Ignore the repost, I just realized the chapter order was fucked up)

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