Chapter 10: Revival

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The house was a wreck. 

Your [Favorite Color] couch was torn to sheds, the coffee table flipped over and what appeared to be claw marks riddling the wall. Nap had insisted you sit down and rest - though, whether it was because you had nearly passed out once you all left the castle or because you were still emotionally dead was unclear - so you were on the floor. Everything was incredibly boring for you, now. 

Well, almost everything.

Chara, in her ghostly glory, was just about the only thing that gave you any interest at the time. She was incredibly frustrated, and while you initially assumed the damage to the house was due to Asgore, Flowey revealed it was the killer spirit herself. 

This was what interested you the most. No one knew how Asgore had come in, since there had been no damage to the place and you had been asleep, which had frustrated the spirit horribly. For two months she had thought you were dead, and thus, taken it out on the poor house. The only thing that kept her from completely snapping, Flowey had explained, was Alphys explaining that if you were dead, the others should returned to normal. Nonetheless, they all were still torn up over their lost and possibly-being-tortured friend. 

As for now, you were laying on the floor while Nap, Chara, and Burgerpants were attempting to fix everything. The fast-food cook was surprisingly handy with a hammer in his hand, and chatty enough to keep the room for growing too silent. Most of it was questions about the entire situation. "Alright, weirdo, let me get this all straight; that scientist that created my oh-so-wonderful boss managed to make everyone insane. And you guys have managed to stave them off. All of them. How?"

Your voice was flat, eyes half-lidded and clearly bored. "Their personalities have been altered to an almost painfully predictable state. It's easy to manipulate them if you're careful enough." You sat up now, ignoring everyone's eyes nervously on you. "Someone entertain me. I have been bored for two months. I feel dead. I feel nothing. Either entertain me or kill me." 

Chara floated down to you, resting on her knees as her crimson eyes glared into your own [Eye Color] ones. With no words exchanged, just a curious look on your part, she gave you the hardest slap she could manage, causing you to blink slowly. It took a few moments for the pain to set in, but that was nothing compared to Chara's words. "Can you stop!? You've been gone for two months, two fucking months, [Y/N]! I have been scared shitless for you, and we finally manage to find you in that godforsaken castle, and. . ." Her voice broke, her entire form slumping down as tears ran down her red cheeks. You felt something in your mind, in your heart, jump at the sight, some awareness you had lost now screaming. "It's like we never even got you back."

She ran off before you could even begin to formulate a response, the resounding slam of a bathroom door causing everyone to flinch. You didn't even realize Burgerpants was talking until smoke blew in your face. "So, does the little weirdo have a crush on [Y/N] here or something? Because if she doesn't, then she definitely does." The cat-like monster put his smoking stick out after saying that, crossing his arms.

You don't realize you're crying until Flowey pokes your cheek with a vine, causing you to wince in pain - Chara hit a lot harder than any of you had realized. "Geez," the flower muttered, "You alright?"

You sniffle, rubbing your eyes and managing a weak smile - it seems to make the others feel better, seeing you with some genuine emotion. "Y-yeah. . . Yeah. I'm f-fine. . ." You quickly start sobbing, curling into a ball as you shiver, but you're happy. Burgerpants, though you don't know him as well as the others, throws a comforting arm around you. Flowey comfortingly pets you with a vine, and Nap floats over to curl against your other side. For a while, it's just you four, and while you're happy, you know something is missing. 

At the command of Flowey, you talk about what it was like, being in that castle. "Creepy, to say the least. Mr. 'Out of the Womb and Into a Tomb' was boring as hell; he just kept rambling on about the most inane things, you know? And sometimes, he'd touch me, and that was. . . terrifying, actually."

Flowey looked sick at that - Asgore was his dad! "D-did he. . . [Y/N]. . . Did he. . .?"

You shook your head, reaching a hand down to gently pat the small plant's petals. "No, he'd do things like petting me and hugging me and whatever." Flowey seemed relieved at that, but whether or not you were being truthful was unknown. "Anyway, the Toddler Terminator had me in this room - you guys saw it. Well, Burgerpants, you didn't, but the others did. It was actually really pretty. Of course, then I found out the carpet was made of Whimsum fur, and that was. . . Now that I look back on it, I am terrified. But at the time, it just seemed so dreadfully boring, you know? I slept a lot, and he talked a lot, so I wasn't about to die. But, then, I guess I kind of was, huh?"

Nap nodded solemnly, looking around the relatively-clean room. "I think we should consider camping out in the living room, all together, until it's safe."

Burgerpants rose a hand. "How did he get in here?" When there was no readily available answer, he continued. "Is it really safe here?"

You shrug, still snug against the weird cat's side. "I dunno. But Ankle-Biter Beater at the castle does have some powers the others don't. We already know he killed a fair amount of monsters, could he have absorbed their magic and used that to pick the locks?"

Flowey shook his head, still clearly nervous about discussing the king. "No, Alphys made them magic proof. And he couldn't have exactly just broken the door down without any of us knowing."

Nap seemed to consider this, laying on the floor. "Unless he got someone to disable the spells. But, the only person who could do that would be Alphys, right?"

You shook your head, trying to think of anything Asgore had said over two months that might possibly be useful. "No. . . She couldn't have." Right?

Burgerpants sighed, giving you a comforting squeeze. "Well, I've gotta get going. But try and not get kidnapped again, alright?" You nod, giving him a grateful smile and waiting for him to let himself out before slumping against the wall.

Nap coaxes you to stand and drop onto the repaired couch, darting around and grabbing movies and snacks. You go back to grab Flowey, putting him on the table, and reaching out a hand to poke him. He gently nibbles your finger, and you can't help but laugh - he was so cute! 

Either way, you're still not happy, not really. That screaming in your head hasn't yet ceased, and it's not until you're in front of the bathroom that it shuts up. Would Chara answer? Was she even still in there? What were you going to say? You didn't have the answer to any of these crucial questions, so you took a breath and knocked. 

Unfortunately, you did at the same time Chara opened the door, and you ended up hitting her in the face as a result. You gasped, covering your mouth as your eyes widened. "Ch-Chara! I'm so sorry! I was just trying to come see if you were okay, a-and, and I never m-meant to h-hurt you!" Crying again, you covered your face. 

Chara stepped forward and wrapped you in a hug, her face pressed into your chest. She sounded. . . Happy? Relieved? You didn't know, but it made you a little smile just a little. "Jeez, you bipolar weirdo," she grumbled, her voice muffled by your chest. "Stop crying, and let's watch a movie or something, hm?"

You nod, wiping your face and laughing softly - you felt alive again. 


A/N: I got Asgore's nicknames from so check that out. Also, y'all should post/DM me ideas for this book. Bye~

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