Chapter 9: Asgore the Insane

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The first thing you had insisted upon was your arm being healed, which Asgore reluctantly complied with.

The second thing you demanded was food, and a lot of it. Asgore turned it into a sort of picnic, and you were forced to listen to his stories, but you quickly found you had some power over him. 

The third thing you ordered was that he never change you. Ever. Again. Your glare was absolutely toxic as you said this, and Asgore quickly agreed. 

Finally, you told him that he could not be in your presence when you were not awake, which again, he agreed to. Satisfied with your work, you spent your next few days waiting for Chara, Flowey, and Nap to come save you. 

Now was the time to explain things. 

From what you've managed to deduce with your Sherlock-ian powers, Asgore was actually fairly easy to distract. When he was normal, the king always wanted to make his subjects happy with their lives, even going so far as to kill humans to gather souls for the sake of his people. So, after getting the old goat to stop talking - which could take anywhere between an hour and a day, depending on how much physical contact you were willing to do - you could easily boss him around. The fact he was 'in love' with you probably made your demands more palpable to the old goat. Overall, you could survive, and that was what was important. 

Anyways, you weren't entirely sure how long it had been. Most of it had been spent pretending to sleep. Asgore would come in, pet you, sometimes touch your butt, then leave - again, not anything you couldn't handle, but it unnerved you every time. 

Caught up? Fantastic.

This was one of the times where you were openly awake, and Asgore was blabbering on about something you truly couldn't care less about. It had already been three hours, you thought anyway, so you were well on your way to falling asleep when a few words caught your attention; "It was incredibly difficult to catch those Whimsums."

Confused, you gave a few slow blinks and looked over. "Huh? Why were you catching Whimsums?"

Asgore looked down at you, seeming delighted that had you taken an interest in something he said. "Well, how do you think I made the carpet?"

The carpet. The thing you would randomly sprawl out on when the hammock-bed wasn't comfortable enough. The thing you were sitting on right fucking now. Yet, truth be told, you were too bored to really care - Asgore sapped the energy out of you, with his lengthy stories and sleepy voice. You were tired, but you were too bored to sleep. 

You needed some excitement. 

God, Satan, whatever or whoever, if nothing at all, had answered your prayers. The door burst open about then - you had come to learn it needed magic to reveal itself, which is why you'd given up trying to escape - and your dear friends ran in. Chara in particular looked livid, her crimson eyes alight with hatred as she held her knife close. Her teeth were bared, and she was covered in monster dust. 

Nap came in next, hovering leisurely and floating Flowey beside him. The ghost's voice was soft. "(Y/N)? You okay?"

You blinked slowly, your voice flat and dead. "Bored. Entertainment needed. Asgore skinned a bunch of monsters. And I'm still bored." You were choosing to ignore the fact Chara was acting like a crazed cat again, attacking Asgore with reckless abandon. The fact you had yet to show the slightest bit of concern for your friend seemed to worry both plant and friendly ghost. "Guys, I would appreciate it if we could leave now, because I haven't felt like myself in. . . how long has it been? A week? Two?"

Flowey slowly shook his head, his voice impossibly soft. "Two months. We thought. . ." He looked genuinely upset, his lower lip warbling as he averted his eyes. "We thought you were dead."

Asgore was a pushover in more ways than one. Despite the fact he was a yandere, and thus should have been willing to kill for you, he seemed unwilling to defend himself against Chara. Maybe it was because he knew how badly the spirit wanted you safe? How strongly did she feel about the matter? You didn't know, but you wanted to find out - this was mildly interesting. "I feel dead, on the inside. Not on the outside, though, not yet. Wanna shove some pizza down our throats and chug soda till we vomit?"

Nap slowly led you out of the room, wanting you as far from the place as possible in the hopes it'd fix your current emotional state. Too bored to argue, you let Nap lead you to relative safety while trying to regain feeling in your heart. 


(A/N: Meh. I don't like how I ended this, but I really didn't know how to. On the bright side, next chapter will be Chara fluff and cuddles, bad jokes, and crying. Won't that be fun? Thanks for everyone who commented on the last chapter [I laughed when I read them], and I promise now that I've gotten a little more into this story and am remembering all about how I wrote this and what I wanted to do with it, I'll be able to make the next chapters better. Probably. Honestly, everything I do is trash. OH WELL BYE)) 

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