Chapter 5: Mettaton (Repost)

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Chara never got around to killing Alphys, nor did Flowey. Now, your house has iron bars and enchanted locks all over the place. You'd finally managed to clean out the fridge; it probably could have been done in a day, but you all kept stopping for snack breaks, bathroom breaks, random dance parties, and dirty joke competitions.

Now, you're all seated in the living room, playing Monopoly. "(Y/N), you piece of shit!" Chara screeches, throwing the dice at you.

You laugh, grabbing a few bills from her pile and adding them to your own. "I told you, you need to buy some property, or you're gonna go bankrupt." Indeed, the spirit was down to a hundred dollars.

"This is boring," Flowey whines, vines waving in the air in frustration.

Admittedly, it is a repetition of the same thing. You've been playing the board game for three hours, so it makes sense. "Well, what do you wanna do, then?" You ask the flower.

"How about," a voice rings out through the room. Immediately, Flowey encases you in vines, leaving a small gap for you to see through. Chara and Napstablook both hover in front of you, looking around for the intruder. "Dress-up!" A cloud of ash spreads through the area, as a figure appears in the chimney. As you turn to look, you feel a searing pain in your head. For the barest second, you can see Mettaton, in ashy glory. Now? Nothing. The shouts from the other three tell you much the same.

Flowey tightens his grip on you, but you aren't sure that will help much.

"You piece of-" Chara begins, before yelping. If you could guess, she has ran into the table.

"Mettaton," Napstablook whimpers, "I don't want to hurt you. I know you aren't in your best frame of mind, but please, just leave."

Mettaton laughs, and Napstablook lets out a strangled yell. "Oh, Nappy," the robot purrs, "I wish I didn't have to do this, I really do. To harm my cousin. . . Well, it would make me seem rather unrefined, don't you think? But it doesn't matter - you are keeping my kitten from me, and you must be eliminated." You can hear Napstablook cry out in pain - in your mind's eye, you can imagine Mettaton holding the other roughly, tightening his grip on the poor ghost.

"Fuck off, you glorified sex doll!" Flowey yells. You feel your vine cocoon shift towards one side, and you can hear a vine whistling through the air. It stops after a few seconds - Flowey must have stopped because he doesn't want to hurt Nap or Chara, you rationalize.

Mettaton growls, and his footsteps are loud and deliberate. You hold your breath, but the robot walks past you. It's silent, silent, too silent. You wish something would break this spell, anything.

You come to regret that after a few seconds.

A loud scream shreds your ear drums, and the vines tighten to a point where you can hardly breath.

Your shelter is ripped away, and you fall to the ground. You hear plant hitting metal, crying and screaming, Chara yelling and cursing while stumbling, Napstablook panicking, laughter. The laughter is definitely the worst and loudest of the noises.

You're grabbed, rather roughly at that, and picked up. A cold hand covers your mouth, and you're moving. You try to scream, try to yell, but nothing removes that haunting laugh from your ears. "Don't worry, my darling (Y/N)," Mettaton purrs, and you feel a hot breath on your ear.

You lick the hand covering your mouth in an attempt to get the robot to drop you. You're uncertain whether the metallic taste is natural or blood. This indecision makes you even more nervous.

One of your arms is pinned against metal, probably the robot's body, but the other is free. Determination fills you, and you use your free hand to pry the metal away from your face. It's only for a second, you only managed this because he was surprised, but you'll take it. "Flowey!" You scream.

Vines tickle your face as they reach past you, and for a second, you're flying. Or, you know, falling.

Before you hit the ground, two vines catch you, one hooking your knees, the other looping below your arms. More plant-y appendages (yes, that's what you're calling them) fill in the gaps, so you're basically on a bed. Mettaton yells, and the rattling tells you he's being thrown through the air.

Metal in dry wall, metal on dry wall, metal on - the shouting sounds like it's leaving, getting farther and disappearing within the span of a few seconds.

Flowey carefully rolls you back into your shelter.

After a few minutes of hard blinking and squinting, you can finally see; your vision is admittedly blurry. Mettaton is gone, and a thick layer of vines blocks the entrance of the chimney. Chara is on the floor, her knee bleeding slightly, and Napstablook is upside for reasons you can't name. "Flowey," you begin, before being cut off by the plant.

"I threw him out the chimney." You stare hard at the flower, who looks innocently back. "I was trying to protect you. Also, there's some dents on your wall now." At this, you turn to examine your surroundings. Someone knocked everything off the table - Chara, you're fairly certain - and there are four small holes in the walls. "Ignore those." You consider pursuing the matter, but change your mind when the sounds of quiet sobs reach your ears.

Flowey releases you, and you walk up to the sniffling ghost. "Nap?" You ask, looking up at him. He whines sadly and flops onto the floor.

"Mettaton tried to kill me," he whispers, trembling slightly. You sit on the floor with him, and Chara floats down beside you.

"Should we switch topics to distract him from the pain?" Chara has a hand over her mouth, shielding it from Napstablook's sight - you're not sure why, since she said it loud enough for Nap to easily hear. You sigh and think, "There's no subtlety in this one, is there?"

"Can we watch a movie or something?" Nap asks, and you all immediately agree. Jumping up to find movie, grab snacks, and some more bars for the chimney, you're all a proverbial whirlwind. Nap floats in the center, confused and, you can tell, glad for his friends trying to ease the pain he was feeling.

As you jump on the kitchen counter to grab some candy from the top cabinet, you come to a silent decision: Flowey, Nap, and Chara are not going to get hurt because of you. You'll just have to find a way to defend yourself. . . Probably easier said then done, but oh well.

You all gather to watch Airplane!, since it would probably confuse and entertain Nap enough to get his mind off Mettaton. Chara is sitting next to you, Flowey is on the table that you made Chara fix - when she refused to fix it, you ignored her until she complied, which took about five minutes - and Napstablook is on your other side. He and Flowey have no idea what the movie is talking about, as expected, but you and Chara are laughing your asses off and trying to explain it at the same time.

Then, you put on Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and laughed at Flowey, who was incredibly unnerved.

You noticed, as the movies wore on, that Flowey seemed exhausted and on edge. You studied him from behind and came to a sickening realization; one of his petals and several of his leaves were missing. The screams you had heard made a lot more sense.

You turn to Chara, and find her staring at you with a grim look - an unspoken agreement to let Flowey talk about it when he chooses passes between you.

Another silent agreement, to yourself, is made; Mettaton is gonna get nuts and bolts beaten out of him, so long as he's not in his right mind. How would you do that?

You have no idea.

(Again, the order got fucked up.)

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