Chapter 1

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I woke up to the alarm clock ringing. I peeled my eyes open and stretched out my stuff muscles. I was so tired and I hated getting up early. As much a I would love to curl up in a ball and go back to sleep, I wouldn't dare keep mother waiting. If that's what you can call her.

More like she-devil.

Yup, that's exactly what she Is. A bitchy She-Devil. She blames for everything. Breaking things. Being the cause of her depression. Her blood pressure. Why she couldn't keep a job. And even for Dad divorcing her(witch was only about a year ago). How the he'll is that my fault, because mom thinks I'm mentally ill. When I'm not. If I was tho, wouldn't u make sure your daughter got help? No she just doesn't care about my well being much an I feel the same way about her.

Dad never explained why, but they got a divorce. Now I see him every weekend. Mom is thrilled every time that comes.

I threw off the cover and flung my feet over the side of the bed and got up, giving a final stretch before I went into my closet. I felt so stiff and sleepy as I made an effort to my closet. I wanted to collapse and never wake up.

I did think about killing myself many times, but a u see I didn't.

He wouldn't let me.

Alex wouldn't let me.

Alex is my childhood friend. I met him when I was five at an old, huge oak tree.

*flash back*

I skipped across the grass, the sun looking down on me, as I was looking at the tree ahead of me. It was so big! I couldn't believe it!

Mom was sitting on a bench with dad, talking with him. They sat there happy as married couples could be. I love My mom and dad. Forever. And I knew they would love me forever.

As I twirled and picked up dandelions that were poking up from the class I spotted someone sitting alone at th base of the oak tree. He looked lonely so I strolled on over and stood in front of him.

"Hi," I said.

His head beamed up and he looked up at me with puffy red eyes that still had tears streaming out.

I was confused and felt bad, so I sat next to him. "What's wrong?"

He lifted the back of his hands to his eyes and whipped the tears away, then made fist with his tiny hands- even though he was still bigger than me- and rubbed his eyes.

He had short, messy, cut black hair, brown and green mixed eyes, pale skin, an he looked to be my age.

"I can't find my family," he sobbed, "They're gone!"

I didn't know what to exactly do, but i should help. We sat there in silence till I got an idea. "You can be apart of my family. You can be my brother. My name is Clare."

"Really?" He questioned unsure, but a smile was on his little face.

"Yes," I nodded cheerfully.

His face lit up witch happiness as he came in and hugged me with joy. "My name is Alex, and we will be best friend forever."

"Forever," I repeated, hugging back.

"Clare, what are you doing?" My mother's voice asked.

Me and Alex stopped hugging to look up my mom.

I pointed to Alex and smiled. "This is my new best friend Alex."

He waved. "Hi."

My mother rolled her eyes and lifted me up to stand. "So u made yourself and imaginary friend, that's nice, but we have to go, come on Clare." She grabbed my hand and I quickly grabbed Alex's and pulled him along.

Imaginary friend? What's that?

Hey hey hey, guess who's back? Luna Kitty is with this new chapter.

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