Chapter 9

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I was filled with anger and sadness. It filed my head completely. The anger was caused by my mother and the sadness was Alex, he had left me....after all these years.

My own mother sold me out as a psychotic bitch who talks to herself. That I can completely understand, but she also said I inflicted self pain with a knife close to my wrist. Truth be told I had cut myself there on accident when I had tried to help mother cook by cutting onions. I had tried to tell the men that, but she-devil told them otherwise; said I was delusional. She even had the nerve to say I had beaten her and laughed while doing so; said she was pleading for mercy and was scared for her life.

I was mad. Beyond mad. How could she lie like that about her own daughter. She wanted to get rid of me. I wanted to break down and cry. Because two people had hurt me. Alex and my mother, mostly Alex.

Don't cry Clare, he will be back...

No he won't. I won't lie to myself.

I couldn't hold the anger in anymore. I was tired of all of this. This was the last and final straw. After years of my mother's neglect this was it.

I quickly lashed out at my mother with a yell of rage. I aimed at my mother's face, nails at the ready, I herd a shriek come from her as she tried to cover her face, but before I could even touch her, I was forcefully hauled back by the two men.

They're gonna think you're crazy Clare..

Let them think I'm Crazy! I know I'm not crazy! I can't do anything now, might as well let them think what they want. I was never given a chance anyway, no one listens to me.

"I told you!" My mother yelled, tears trickling down her face(that are obviously fake),"I told you she was abusive."


"That right there proves why I fear my life."


"I'm sorry sweetie, very much, but you need help. These men will get you help."


I tried yanking away and wanted nothing more than to wrap my hands around her slender neck and squeeze....watching the life drain out of her body!

Why? Why was I thinking that. I'm sorry.

Lies were all that floated in this suffocating air and these men were believing every seconded of it. I kept trying to yank my arms out from there grip, but it was no use.

I was to weak.

I was too helpless.

I was nothing and couldn't do anything to save myself. I have lost. I'm finally going to the mental hospital to most likely live the rest of my life.

I was walked out my house, leaving my life behind. If you want to call it that. It was no use fighting. I didn't want to anymore I wouldn't. I felt like I had lost everything.

Why did you leave me, Alex?



Did I scare know I did.

Well I was happy to write this chapter for y'all. I hope you really enjoyed it of course.

Update tommorow!

Remember to comment, rate, and follow me.

Love you guys. Bye.^°^

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