Chapter 3

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She wore her old, raggedy, brown apron,and her brunette hair in a loose bun as she flipped over a pancake. Her face didn't look aged wrong, she only had a few wrinkles that defined her.

She may be a pain in the ass but she can really cook. I can feel my mouth watering from the sight and smell of it all. Bacon. Eggs. Pancakes.

My stomach growls.

I walk over to the cabinet, and opened the door, getting a plate out and walked to the stove. "Good morning mother."

"Yea, good morning," she said, obviously not caring as she put a pancake and some eggs on my plate. She waved her hand as if to shoo me away and turned off the stove.


I turn away in disgust and sat at the kitchen table. There's as fork at my spot and two pieces of bacon on a napkin. I grab the syrup on the table, pouring the sticky goodness on my pancake. I then grab my fork and take a fork full of pancakes an plop it in my mouth. The sweet flavor filled my mouth entirely.

So good....

Yes, really good.

After I got done eating I grabbed my book bag and headed out the front door, slamming it behind me. I don't even bother saying goodbye to my mother. I hate her. She hates me. We're even.

I look at the figure standing at the end of the sidewalk, staring at me, and I stop dead in my tracks.
Bish who u seee?

Tell me....

Well ik an y'all Don't. Hahahahah....cause I'm so evil. But ha still love me *flips hair* ik u do....>~< mmhmm.....u lov me so much you gonna read on, vote, follow me and comment.

°^° u better.....I'm watchin u.....byeee.....

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