Chapter 2

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Quinn's POV- "Good Morning Katie" "Good Morning Quinn." Katie is my art teacher but she is also my favorite teacher. She has known me since I was born. My dad is really close with her. She used to hang around our house a lot, especially when my mom died. My mom was best friends with her from when they were in grade school. Right before my mother died, she asked Katie to take care of me and my dad. So that's what she has been doing. She comes to my house every night and makes sure my dad is feeding himself and me. She cleans up a bit and makes sure we are both doing well. I sit in her classroom during homeroom so I have about 20 minutes to talk to her. "So Quinn, how's Noah?" "He's doing good. Still doesn't know I exist." "Awe, cheer up kiddo, he'll remember you eventually." "I hope so, he just so damn cute and we were so close, I don't know what happened." "Boys are weird,honey, he'll come to his senses and remember who his real friends were." "Yeah I hope so." *RINNNNNGGGGGGGGGG* "Well thats the bell to end homeroom, cheer up Quinn, he will notice you eventually." "Yeaaaahhhhhh" I sighed. "Good bye darling", Katie said as she kissed my forehead. "Now hurry up, you are gonna be late to first period." "Bye love you" I shouted as I was running out of the door. "Love you too" 

My first period class was Math. Totally not a morning person so doing math at 7:30 in the morning was just not my thing. I walked in and went to my seat all the way in the back of the room. Noah was in this class with me. Along with science, social studies,tech, german, and art. So I'm stuck with his adorable face almost all day. I sit only a couple of seats away from him in math. He had five girls around his desk along with four other guys. I walked past and one of the girls started whispering to her friend. Her name was Abigail and she is Noah's girlfriend. I don't know what he see's in her but it's something. Math was so boring so I ended up doodling all over my paper, and I might have been staring at Noah the whole time. Oh well. I went the rest of the day being bored out of my mind and gawking at Noah. Gosh I am such a nerd. The last bell of the day rang and I went straight to Katie's classroom. "Hey, you ready to go?" Katie asked as I walked in. "More than ready." I said as a giggled softly. I hopped into the front seat of Katie's minivan and she dropped me off at my house. "See you later Quinn." "Bye Katie" I said as I walked through the front door. 

AN: Hope you enjoyed the second chapter.Comment if you ship Abby and Noah or Quinn and Noah. Stay sweet and live life to the fullest. -Belle

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