Chapter 4

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I locked up the door and started running. It was luckily still light out because it was only 4:30. It was a cold January afternoon when I started running to Mack's house. I was in ripped jeans, a black sweater and my converse. Sadly I forgot my jacket as I rushed out the house and Mack's house is four blocks away, so I'm freezing as I'm running to her house. After a cold four blocks, I make it to Mack's house. I ran inside her house and straight upstairs.(They don't keep the doors locked in their house). I ran straight to Mack's room. "What is the emergency?" I asked huffing and puffing from running. "You will never believe what happened" "What?" "NOAH BROKE UP WITH ABBY" She screamed as loud as she could. "HOLY SHIT NO WAY" I screamed back. "Omg what happened" I asked. "Come here, look at Abby's insta page." I looked over at her phone and there was no date in her bio and all the pictures of her and Noah were gone. "Omg I can't believe this, he dumped that slut for good." "Good for him" I said as Mack was looking at me. "What?" I asked. She was giving me a look like she had a plan. "This is your chance, Quinn, you can finally make a move on Noah." "Mack, he doesn't even know I exist. He even forgot we were best friends from second until sixth grade." "I'm not even kidding he literally forgot I even existed."  "Please Quinn, you have to at least try." "Fiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeee" I sighed. "Ok well, I have to get back home before my dad gets home. He will freak if I'm gone." "Ok, love you bestie." "Love you too" I said as I left the house. I walked home because I really didn't feel like running again. I eventually made it home after I froze to death the whole walk home. I walked in and I saw my dad sitting in the living room watching channel twelve news. "Hey Dad." "Hi Quinny" "So what was the big emergency at Mack's house?" "Oh, right. Dad, do you remember Noah." "Johnson?" "Yes." "Yes of course I remember him, what about him?" "Well he broke up with his girlfriend and Mack wants me to try and talk to Noah again." "Well I think that's a great idea, I mean you guys used to be best friends right?" "Yeah, but he doesn't even know I exist and it's not worth it." "Well honey, I think you should go with your heart and do the right thing" "Ok Dad thank you" "No problem hun." "Well I'm gonna try to go to sleep, good night daddy." "Goodnight baby." I went to my room and got changed. I went right into bed and fell right asleep.

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