Chapter 5

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*a few weeks after Quinn finds out about Noah being single.

"Ok so tell me the story of Noah's break up again." Said Katie to me as I sat on one of the art tables eating my breakfast. "Ok so Abby was also dating the captain of the soccer team. His name is Jake. So Noah and Jake don't really know each other that well, so they never talked." Noah was coming out of the locker room after a lacrosse game and was going to his car. All of a sudden he turns and sees Abby and Jake in a full out make out session. Noah ripped Jake off of her and flipped out. He was screaming and just totally freaking out. In the end both of the guys broke up with that cheating slut and now she is single." "Oh lord, I just love that story." Katie said laughing. "I feel really bad for those two poor boys" "Same" I replied looking down. "Quinn this is your chance, make a move, go for him."  "I can't." "Why not?" She asked right as the bell rang. "I gotta go. I'll tell you later." I said feeling bad as I rushed out the door because I lied to her. I definitely am not telling her the reason I don't wanna go after him. By sixth period I was just overwhelmed with school work and just plain out tired. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and... *WHAM*. I walk straight into someone and I go flying backwards. My glasses fall off my face and both of our papers go everywhere in the hallway. I fell to the floor with a loud thump. I looked up to see a very blurry figure.(considering i'm blind with out my glasses.) That figure picks up my glasses to the floor and puts them on my face. I look up to see someone I never thought I would ever come in contact with.

AN: hmmm? wonder who this mystery person could be? Stay sweet and live life to the fullest. -Belle

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