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AN: In this fanfic Juvia does not speak in third person 

Juvia's POV 

My name is Juvia Lockser I'm 20 years old and  today is my first day of college. I'm going to the community college and I'm staying with my dad for safety and convenience.  

"Morning Dad." I say walking into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart, excited it finally start college?" 

"Yes I am, are you going to work early today?" I ask see that my dad is already in his uniform. 

"Yay sorry I can't see my baby off to college. They called me in to come early because there have been more sightings of the fairy tail gangs enforcement team in town. I have to keep the streets safe for my little girl."

"Please be safe dad, those guys are bad news." I'm worried about me dad he is not as young as he used to be. I already lost my mother when I was little I don't want to loss my dad too. 

"They don't scare me. The only one that could be any trouble is one of their leader Gray Fullbuster, the rumor is that he is the strongest and scariest of the entire bunch."

"Okay just promise me you'll be safe." 

"alright I promise. I've got to go have fun." With that he got up and left in his squad car.  I sat down and ate breakfast. The time oh crap I'm going to be late. I quickly gather my stuff and ran out the door. As I was running I bumped into someone and fell scattering my books. 

Gray's POV 

I was walking around town when someone bumped into me.

"Hey watch where you're go..." My train of thought stopped when I saw her, man this girl was beautiful.  Her hair is a gorgeous ocean blue, her skin looks is pale and looks so soft. This girl I have to make her mine. What I'm I thinking I'm a gangster I can't fall in love. 

"I'm so sorry for running into you, I was running and not looking where I was going, I'm so sorry." She said panicking trying to pick up her stuff.

"It's all right, here let me help you, where are you headed in such a rush." I say picking up some of her books. Why I'm I being nice I'm never nice. This girl why is she making me act this way I don't even know her name.  

"Oh the College campus, I'm starting classes there today, thanks for your help." Then she ran away, I needed to find out who this girl is, and I need to make her mine. She is perfect.

I guess that I should head to the gang's base Natsu told me that the big boss had a very important job for the enforcement team. I wonder what it is this time. Hopefully something fun I could use a fun job. 

"Hey ice princess you're late what took you so long." Ugh he is so annoying some time but he is the only friend I got

"Shut up flame brain we don't have time for this." I say walking to the bosses office. 

"I'm not the one who was late in the first place." 

"Gray, Natsu, my leaders of the... of the... what do you two do again? Oh never mind it's not important. I have a very important job for you two to carry out. As you probably know chief Lockser is getting close to finding our hideout out and putting us all in jail."

"Yay we do, so what's your plan boss?" Said Natsu 

"There is a man that knows the location and is going to tell the chief tonight. I want you to find this man a eliminate him before he can tell the chief. Got it." 

"Yay we got it boss this mission should be easy for me and my buddy Gray to care of we'll get on it right away." 

"boss do we have any leads on where we might find him or at least what he looks like?" of course I was the one to ask the rational question because Natsu would just beat random people up otherwise. The boss filled us in on all the needed info. Our target was an old man by the name Sean Dogen. Our look out team has spotted him alone at the beach, hopefully he is still there by the time me and Natsu get there. This job will be a piece of cake, killing an old man won't be hard to do at all. 

*At the Beach* 

"there he is buddy on one in sight, let's get him," I didn't move I was daydreaming about that girl this morning, "Whats up Gray you seem distracted?"

"It's nothing, let's just get this job over with," We walked to the old man, I had to get this girl off my mind, "are you by any chance Sean Dogen?" 

"Yes and who might you be good sir?"

"Your worst nightmare, grab him Natsu," He knocked him out with chloroform and took him to a bunker so we wouldn't get caught. 

"Ugh" I heard him groan. 

"Hey flame brain get over here he's waking up."

"Do you want the gun or the knife?" Natsu yelled back. The man is very old I'll have so mercy on him, which is a rare thing, and give him a quick death. 

"Gun." The man groaned again

"You two are Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel member of the fairy tail gang sent to kill me for the information I have. They'll find you eventually no matter what you do to me, someday all of you scum bags will be caught."

"You think so old man, well just keep thinking that," I say as Natsu handed me the gun, "Say your prays, and regret ever messing with fairy tail." I  shoot him directly in the heart, no scream escaped his lips, he was dead in an instant. 

"Next time I get to finish em off, deal ice princess?"

"Deal, flame brain." 

Juvia's POV

  Thank goodness I made it to class on time, although I wasn't really paying attach to any of the lectures. No matter what I was thinking about my mind would turn to that guy that I bumped into this morning. Gosh he was handsome, and it was so sweet of him to help me.  A guy like that probably already has a girlfriend. What am I thinking I don't even know his name. Time to go home I guess, dad's squad car is in the driveway, his home early.

"Hey baby girl how was school?"

"It was great, how was work and why are you home early?"

"Ugh, today didn't go so well, any way that doesn't matter tell your dad about your great day," I told him everything, but for some reason I left out meeting that boy, for some strange reason I think my dad would disapprove. And I would never want my father to be disappointed. I went to bed dreaming about seeing him again. So this is what love at first sight feels like.  

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