IDK what to call this chapter

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Juvia's POV 


I turn around to see who's calling me, strange no one is there. I turn back to see Gray wake and staring at me. 

"Gray your awake," I say hug tackling him, "I thought you'd never wake up," 

"Juvia can't breath." I let go so he can breath again, "why am I in the infirmary? What happened, the last thing I remember is us sitting by the sign." He doesn't remember anything that happened with my father.  

"what happened doesn't matter all that matters is that you're all right." tears pooled in the corner of my eyes.  It felt like my entire being was overflowing with joy.

"why are you crying don't be sad, what did I do wrong."  

"You did nothing, I'm not sad these are tears of joy," I say smiling through tears.  "I love you so much Gray, I was so scared of losing you." are lips meet in an explosion of love and passion that could never be matched in a thousand years. "Come on the rest of the gang will want to see you," we went to where the gang was gathered everyone was overjoyed to see Gray back on his feet.

"Okay can someone please tell me what happened to me." Gray said exasperated. He was told the story of the adventures that occurred. He was fairly surprised but took it pretty well. 

"Alright brats," said Makarov standing on a table, "Let's celebrate our family member finally being back on his feet. Let's party!"  a massive party quickly assumed, the entire gang was drinking in celebration. It seems that any happy event is an excuse for them to drink and party. Which is definitely not a bad thing Fairy Tail always makes a point to be happy when they can. It's one of the best parts about being a part of Fairy tail. 

latter that night, I was sitting with Gray on a couch in his room. we weren't doing anything special just sitting next to each other, enjoying the other company. 

"Juvia, I  know we haven't known eachother for very long but I realized something in these past events." 

"And what's that Gray." 

"I've realised that the time I've known you have been the best of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, So Juvia will you marry me?" he got down on one knee with a ring more beautiful than any I had ever seen. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, I just leap at him planting my lips on his. 

"So can I assume that's a yes." 

"Yes," He places the ring on my finger, "Oh it's beautiful Gray where'd you get?" 

"It was my mother's ring it's the one thing I have of her's and now it belongs to you, making it even more special." this has been the best day of my entire life, in a few months I will no longer be Juvia lockser, I will be Juvia fullbuster. 


thank you for reading please vote and comment. 

this is the last chapter of this book. although I'm thinking I could write a sequel to it what do you think tell me in the comments. 

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