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Juvia's  POV 

After my classes I run toward the base. I just know they'll blame me. They probably think that I betrayed Gray and them and turned them into my father. No I can't lose them there my friends. I've met a tremendous amount of great people. Levy the sweet bookworm that is underestimated, Gajeel the tough guy with soft intire that treats me like a sister, Natsu the crazy pyromaniac who'd go through hell for everyone in fairy tail. Lucy  the sassy blonde who treats all creatures as friends and partners, Erza lover of cake and the only person who can scare Gray witless. And so many more who have taken me in given me a big family. They have to believe me if I just explain what happened. That this was not supposed to happen. I need them, I need their support, I need the people who have become my family. 

I arrived at the entrance I'm scared of what will happen. I hear Gray's voice ring through my head 'It will be okay Juvia, I'm here to protect you I will always be.' But he's not here to protect me this time I have to be courageous a face them on my own not like I have a choice. I turn into the main area where we've always hung out. It's filled with people drinking, fighting, yelling and, having fun as always. Erza is the first to notice me. She is so shocked that she dropped the cake she was eating (which for Erza is a big deal.) 

"Juvia, oh my goodness are you okay," she said running twoard me causing everyone else to notice, "Is it true what the paper said did Gray sexualy asalt you?" I'm am confused by what is happening.


"How could he do that to our sweet innocent Juvia." said Mirajane steaming with anger, "Oh it's a good thing he's in jail cause if he was here we'd kill him right Erza?" 

"Exactly Mira, he deserves the worst punishment imaginable." Mira and Erza both had a terrifyingly evil look in their eyes that would make a grown man cry. And to be honest they probably have. Their glares break me from my confused state finally understanding what's going on. I have to explain everything to them.

"No it wasn't like that, Gray did not assault me, you see my dad came into my room when we were sort of making out on my bed," I say trying my hardest not to blush at the memory, "And my dad thought he attacked me. and yeah the rest you've read in the paper. Anyway I came here to explain what happened. I was so scared that you would blame me and think that I turned on you guys." Tears are starting to well up in my eyes. Lucy comes up and hugs me. 

"oh Juvia we never thought you betrayed us, for three big reasons girl" Lucy comforted me, "first you are too much of kind person to even think about  doing that, second why would you have waited this long to do it, third you know the location of the base if you turned on us we wouldn't still be here.

"Yeah Juvia your a part of our family we'd never hate you." said Levy hugging me tightly 

"Thank you guys so much, I would have come sooner but I was such an emotional wreck I could barely get out of my bed, I just miss Gray being by my side, thank you for being here for me I couldn't ask for better friends." 

 Gray's POV

Everyday I was taken to the integration room, then put back in my cell when I wouldn't tell them anything. Every time they would say to use this time to 'think'. the only things I think about during this 'thinking' time is; why is there no other prisoners here there's plenty of other cells in this part of the jail but I'm all alone, it's boring with nobody to talk to. A guard walks down the hallway toward my cell just like everyday. 

"Prisoner Fullbuster time to head back to the-" I interrupted the guard (His name is Phil according to his name tag.) 

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill just take me there so we can get it over with." when we got into the room chief lockser was already inside this was strange. "So old man how are you going to try to intimidate me this time. We've been doing this for days now nothing you do is going to work."

"Drop the tough guy act Fullbuster, we know the truth about why you were with my daughter," Wait what how did he find out did Juvia break and tell him or is it just a bluff to get a reaction out of me? "You seem surprised, we know your plan was to hold her for ransom. YOU just wanted to have fun with her first." he's just making things up now. I laugh

"And how exactly did you come up with that theory?" I say chuckling. The chief pulls a crumpled piece of paper out. 

"This was found in your coat pocket you were wearing when you were arrested." I look at the paper it's the ransom note that Lyon left when he kidnaped her. I had crippled it when I found it that fateful day. The bottom was now ripped off you can no longer see that it was lamia scale and since they found it on in my clothes they blame Fairy Tail. Should I just play along with it make him think that he actually figured it out?

"I was wondering when you would find that. Now what does that have to do with the base since that's been the center of our little talks before." Playing along seams the best also I'm generally curious why he is telling me this. 

"It important for you to know that we will find your base just like we found out your plan. It might take us awhile but it will happen. So this is your final chance to tell us the location. Tell us and you go free don't and your 'friends' will just join you and all rot in jail." 

"we're smarter than you think. If you ever find the base they'll just leave and once again be out of your reach. Also I thought that I told you I'd never tell you even if you threatened to kill me. So just kill me and get it done with I'll be just fine di-" I stop myself from finishing thinking about Juvia. I can't die I have to live for her, I have to get out of here, I want to be with her, have a future together. Before meeting her I would have laughed at the thought of me falling in love. Back then I would really have no problem dieing but now I have someone to live for. 

"You wasted your last chance Gray, Take him back to the cell." They shove me back there in my cell and lay on the bed thinking of how I can get out of here. It's impossible from the inside, the bars have no weak spots, two guards posted at the end of hallway, and more at the exit. I have no way to contact the outside for help.

 I hear the guards at the hallway talking. "So Phil yesterday was your day off what did you do?" 

"Oh nothing much, I did meet this nice girl at a club, although she didn't seem all that into me."

"Why'd you say that, she should be all over a handsome young guy like you." said the cop that was obviously close to retirement.   

"well I asked her to dance and she turned me down, I did find out her name though she was really pretty." What poor soul did this dofus guard fall for. 

"What was her name?" 

"It's the most beautiful name I've ever heard, Juvia," How dare he hit on Juvia, My Juvia. The  thought of any other guy touching her fills me with boiling anger. I get up for the bed wanting to punch his stupid face when I hear a thud. I walk over to the bars to see what could have happened, what I saw shocked me. 


What do Gray see? that's up to you to theorize until I finish writing the next chapter.

Thank you all for reading please vote and comment also feel free to give me suggestions for this story even if I don't use them in this one I may use em in future one's.

I finished writing this chapter at midnight cause it is hard to fall asleep when people in your neighborhood are shooting fireworks.  

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