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Juvia's POV

I'm in bed trying to fall asleep when I hear knocking on my window. I get up rubbing my eyes, what could it be at this time of night. I open the window to see Gray.

"Gray how are you here." I hug him and as I pull away he pulls me in for a kiss. "I'm, so happy your here. I missed you." 

"Oi can you two stop being all lovey dovey." I look down to see that for Gray to get up to my window he's standing on Natsu's shoulders.

"Hey natsu," I wave to him and he waves back. 

"Hey Juvia can you do me a favor and pull Gray into your room his heavier than you'd think."he says strain in his voice. I help Gray climb into my room. "Thanks bye you two, Gray just come back to the base when your done." with that he left, and I closed the window and turned twoard my boyfriend. 

"I missed you so much." 

"I missed you Juvia." he said tucking my hair behind my ears. 

"So how did you get escape?"

"Well that's a pretty simple story." 

Gray's POV

*A couple of hours ago in the cell*

  I walk over to the bars to see what could have happened, what I saw shocked me. The guards passed on the ground and Natsu, Erza, and lucy walking over their unconscious bodies. Man am I happy to see them. 

"Took you guys long enough." I joke 

"Don't complain ice princess we were originally not going to come at all." Says not picking up on my sarcasm at all. 

"You two don't fight they're are surely more guards on the way, Lucy quickly unlock Grays cell and get out of here Elfman is waiting in the getaway car." Lucy was able to the pick the lock in a matter of seconds. I grab Juvia's letter and we run to the car. I'm free and Fairy Tail is safe. 

"I have to go see Juvia." I pant. 

"No it's too dangerous right now you'll go under the cover of night fall." 

*Back to the present* 

"So the first thing you wanted to do was see me?" 

"Yeah, I wanted to see your beautiful face again." I say blushing. "You know that was a pretty idiot move that note you wrote for me, what if your dad had decided to read it." she let out a small giggle. 

"Well he didn't, I wanted to comfort you in some way so I thought it was worth the risk." she pouted, gosh her face was cute when she did that. I just laugh and grab her waist and left her in the air causing her to let out a little shriek of joy. 

"Shh we wouldn't want to wake up your dad. He's going to freak out tomorrow when he finds I've broken out." I'm sure he will keep an even closer watch on Juvia now.

Dave Lockser's (Juvia's Dad) POV  

I'm awoken by the sound of knocking then I hear voices. They seem to be coming for my daughters room. She could be in danger I get up and walk toward her room. In front of  her door about to open it when I hear the voices clearly. 

"yeah, I wanted to see your beautiful face again." I know that voice, Fullbuster. who did he get out. And he just had to come for my daughter again, this time I won't show mercy. "You know that was a pretty idiot move that note you wrote for me, what if your dad had decided to read it." I hear my daughter laugh at his why is she laughing. common sense would be that she is scared. 

"Well he didn't, I wanted to comfort you in some way so I thought it was worth the risk."  what?! I hear her shriek not in fear but in joy. I take this opportunity to crack open to door to see inside. He's holding her waist while she locks up at him with loving eyes.

"Shh we wouldn't want to wake up your dad. He's going to freak out tomorrow when he finds I've broken out."  

"It will be even harder for us to see each other." See each other!? wait she's not scared she locks at him with love in her eyes, the note was to comfort him, seeing each other. No my little girl would never do that she would never date a known criminal I raised her better than that. 

"Impossible even, he won't let you out of his sight, maybe it would be better if we just-" Juvia cut him off. 

"No don't you dare even think that, thinking that I would never see you again killed me inside it tore my heart apart. I c-can't live with that pain again, d-don't leave me." I see tears fill her eyes as she talks. Gray hugs her and wipes the tears. Seeing him close to her aggravates me, he's not allowed to touch her.

"No please don't cry Juvia, it pains me to see you cry. I promise I will never leave you ever again, I love Juvia." He loves her. 

 "And I love you Gray." and she loves him how is this possible, when did it happen. I've lost my little girl to the likes of  Gray Fullbuster. 

Narrator's POV  

"I have an idea, I'll run away with you live at the base, we'll be together without worry." Says the young girl.

"Juvia what about college you couldn't attend your classes any more, and I know you love your Dad I could never ask you to leave those things behind for me. I just want you to be happy." At this Dave peaking through the door thinks 'If you want her to be happy rot in jail that would make both of us happy in the end, she just thinks she loves you but it's not real.' While these thoughts fill Juvia's head 'I'll be happier living with Fairy Tail. And I already know they'll accept me.'

"You know I've realized something in the past few days I could be happy with my dad but I can no longer be happy without you. I've fallen so deep in love with you that I could never get out. And your not asking me this is purely my decision. and if you don't go with me I'll just go there by myself after all I know that way." Her father is shocked by this the whole time his own daughter could have revealed the location to him but chose not to. 

"Are you sure you want leave" She nodded, "then pack some of your stuff and let's go to your new home. I'm positive that everyone will be happy you're there." 

She ran around her room grabbing some clothing and things important to her and put them in a small suitcase. Juvia quickly wrote a note to her father telling him that she had run away and that she would never return.  The couple climbed out of the window and ran to the base hand in hand blissfully unaware that Dave Lockser had heard their conversation and was about to hatch plan that he was sure would bring the fall of Fairy Tail and his daughter back to him. 


Thank you so much for reading please vote and comment.

Things are getting pretty interesting if I do say so myself. WHat is the plan that will bring the fall of fairy tail, will it succeed or fail? I haven't decided yet. leave any suggestions you have I love the inspiration. want to know something ironic every time I'm trying to get rid of some writers block I come up with an idea for a completely different story. That's how i came up with this story and recently while i had some writer's block on this one i came up with a new Idea that i've started writing it's not published yet but will be soon I'll tell you when it is and what it's called. 

Thank you again bye for now. ;~)

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