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Lyon's POV 

Today's the day I'll get my love by my side. Time to put my genius plan into action, Juvia will love me for sure. I will be her saviour form that devil cousin of mine, Gray.  The front door is locked that's no problem for us. Sherry is an expert at picking locks. I hear water running, she is probably in the shower.

"Let's wait in the kitchen, I'd prefer if we kidnaped my love when she is decent." Sherry and Chellia both laugh.

"Well at least your not a total pervert." they said in unision. 

"Quite we don't want to get caught." It doesn't take long for her to come to the kitchen. She looks so beautiful, she is wearing a white skirt and a blue shirt. Chellia is behind her and puts a chloroform soaked rag over her mouth. Juvia's eyes widened in surprising and slowly closed. I make sure to catch her before she falls, cause that's the kind of man I am. 

"Sherry put the note on the counter and let's go. I'll carry my beloved to our base." I kiss juvia on the forehead and whisper to myself, "you belong to me now angel" We make sure to lock the door as we go out.  

Gray's POV 

After breakfast I go to Juvia, it is great to spend time with her without the worry of her father. I got there the door was locked as usual so I knocked, no answer. Is she still asleep but she is an early riser. 

"Juvia it's Gray are you okay," I continue to knock with no answer, "It's not funny open the door already, this is not like you is something wrong. I'm coming in no matter what." I say as I kick the door down, I'll fix that later. Her house is eerily quiet. "Juvia you in here answer me please it's Gray your boyfriend." What is going on here, I go to the kitchen where she likes to hang out sometimes. There's a piece of paper on the counter, I pick it up and read it. 

Dear Chief Lockser 

If you ever want to see your precious daughter again you will deliver 500,000 dollars to box number 3 at the grande fiore bank by this saturday. If you cooperate everything will go smoothly and no one will get hurt but if you don't we can not guarantee the safety of miss Juvia Lockser

                                                           -Sincerely the Lamia Scale Gang   

A ransom note from our rival gang, the gang my stupid cousin Lyon is in. He has to be the one behind this he is always ruining my life; getting rid of any shred of happiness in my life. I'm going to find him and get my girlfriend back no matter what. Lyon has always been a playboy and if he dares touches her, he is dead. 

I know I should not go alone, I should go to the gang for help they all care about Juvia too. But I'm so angry I'm not thinking straight. Anger is pulsing through my body motivating me to go it alone. I don't need any help I'll save Juvia myself. I quickly fix the door to avoid any suspicion and go. I have no idea where on go but I keep walking as if I do. There is nothing that will prevent me from finding my girl and kicking Lyons butt for taking her. 

Now think Gray think where would my good for nothing cosin take her. The Lamia Scale Base obviously, the problem with that is I have no idea where it is. It has to be outside of the city, considering their name probably near water of some sort.  I know in the forest outside of town there is a blocked of cave by a lake it is the only probable location. Or I could be totally wrong the only way to be sure is to go there and see.

                                                      Juvia I will find you if it's the last thing I do!                                                         

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