Finding her/him

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AN: This picture has nothing to do with the story I just think it is awsome

Gray's POV

The best way to find out who this girl is will be to ask Levy, she is the best hacker in the world she can find out literally anything about anyone.

"Hey Levy I need your help to find someone." 

"Okay Gray, what's their name?" She was furiously typing on the computer.

"Don't know her name that's why I need your help."

"So what do you know about this girl." 

"She goes to the community college, she has blue hair, and is in her early twenties. Yeah that about all I know." 

"Not much to go on, may I ask what this is for." 

"personal reason that you don't need to be concerned about, just do your job." I snapped at her which is not uncommon for me. 

"Oh, so you're in love with this mystery girl and trying to find her, how romantic." 

"Shut up, and do what I asked!"

"I'll see what I can find and get back to you." She said quite annoyed. I didn't care I need to find this girl, and I will make her mine no matter what. Wait what if she has a boyfriend. What would I do, I could just kill him. 

Juvia's POV 

I need to pay attention to my classes but I just can't. I keep thinking about that guy. I hear my professor say something about Edgar Allen Poe or some other dead poet. Instead of writing notes down I'm drawing his face. His eyes so cold and dark but an air of kindness and maybe even love behind it. Who am I kidding someone that handsome and kind definitely has a girlfriend and they're probably drop dead gorgeous, unlike me. Class is over and I have no idea what we learned. Time for lunch, I go to a small cafe just off campus. I just sit there and eat while looking at the picture of him, I want to see him again, even if it's just to thank him. I look up from my notebook, it's him I can't believe it, wow he's attractive. Should I ran to him, what would I say. Just think Juvia think, okay just run to him and thank him for helping, yeah that will work.

"Hi I don't know if you remember me I'm the girl who bumped into you yesterday, I would just like to apologize again and thank you for helping me pick up my stuff." I'm so nervous I hope he doesn't notice.

"Oh it was no problem, it was partly my fault I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. My name's Gray what's yours?" He's chivalrous too, he's perfect. 

"My names Juvia, Juvia Lockser, nice to meet you." he seemed to tense up at my last name, I wonder why. 

"Lockser, like chief Lockser the chief of police." So that's why he's heard of my father 

"Yup that's my dad. The stories you've heard about him are vastly exaggerated he is not some big hero, you don't need to be nervous. Would you like to sit and eat with me?" 

"Yeah I'd love to, but before we do is there a boyfriend I should worry about?" 

"No, and how about you any girlfriend?"

"No." So I was worried for nothing, that's great. Why would he ask me if I had a boyfriend, is it possible he likes me too. I shouldn't get my hopes up. 

*Time skip*

We are still sitting at the cafe talking it has been for 3 hours now. I missed all of my afternoon class. I don't care. I love talking to him, even though we just met it feels as if we've known each other of a lot longer. 

"Juvia even though we just met and all I feel like, I don't know, that we have a special connection."

"I feel the same way Gray."

"So I was wondering if saturday you would like to maybe go on a date with me?" he seemed so nervous to ask, it's so cute.

"I would love to, here's my phone and address." I quickly wrote them down on a napkin. 

"Great, I'll pick you up at say 6:30 ish."

"That works see you then Gray." Today was a great day what will I tell my dad, he'll freak out if I tell him I have a date. 

Gray's POV

What was I thinking asking her out on a date. I should have just left as soon as I found out she was the chief's daughter. But instead I talked to her for 3 hours and asked her out, this is bad. Why did the one girl I fall for have to be the daughter of the guy who wants to put me and all my friends in jail. This girl is making me do crazy things. Juvia such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, how will I pick her up on saturday I can't go to their house I could easily get caught. What am I thinking I should never see her again, but how can I stay away I love her, I love Juvia. Okay I have a plan. I grab my phone and text the number she gave me.

Hey Juvia change of plans I can't pick you up on saturday can you meet me at the cafe we were at today at 7 

  She texted back almost immediately

That sounds good Gray, what are we doing 

It's a surprise, dress nicely though

Great thanks see you then, I can't wait

That went perfectly now there is no chance of her father catching me. Now I just got to hope that she does not find out how I am exactly. 

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