Consequences pt 2

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Gray's POV

I'm setting with Juvia talking about to kiss her for a second time, when I hear running and yelling. It's probably nothing to worry about but even so I push Juvia behind me and hold her hand I can't let anything happen to her. I hear one voice ring out above the others a voice that I know all too well. 

"All right men secure the perimeter no one gets out, we will rid this town of these scum and save my daughter, I'm coming for you Juvia." No, we were going to be happy together. I can't let him take her away from me, I just got her back. I will protect Juvia with my life, I will not lose her again.  

He comes closer to us and the entrance of the base, we can now see him and he can see us. An ugly scowl spreads across his face as he draws his gun.

"Juvia sweetheart I'm glad to see your alright, after these fiends kidnaped you." His voice is soft, but his glare is hard and focused. I feel Juvia hug my arm close to her scared of her own father. 

"I wasn't kindaped dad, I ran away didn't you see my note." her voice is shaking. Her dad pulled out the note from his pocket. 

"You mean this it means nothing, I heard your conversation with Gray and followed you here to get you back my daughter." He heard us, I should have been more careful now everyone I care about is in danger because I was careless.

"If you know my feelings then why are you doing this, do you not care about my happiness? Because Gray does, he loves me." She's crying I've caused her tears to shed again, but this time you can hear anger in her voice.

"Come on Juvia you don't actually believe that. He's a heartless crime incapable of real love, your  just brainwashed by a handsome face and empty words." 

"You're wrong!" She yells. He runs up to us and grabs her wrist yanking her from me and pulling her out of my reach. 

"I raised you better than this you're coming home with me . I prove that you're not actually in love with him,"Juvia struggles against his grip as raises his gun and aims it at me, "He will die and you will feel nothing!"*Bang* A sharp pain pierces my gut. My vision is starting to go black I see Juvia break free from her father's grasp it looks like she's screaming but I hear nothing. I feel my back hit the hard ground as my vision turns completely black. I'm unconscious but not dead yet, in this unconscious state an old memory flashes through my mind. Me, natsu and Gajeel are hanging out together taking which was a rare thing. 


"That new girl is really hot and nice too, I like her," Said Natsu grinning like a maniac, "what's her name again Lugi Luigi..." 

"Her name's Lucy salamander." Gajeel gruffly corrected, "And what are you thinkin falling in love." He scoffed. 

"Hey what about you and that bookworm Leeevvvyyy huh, I saw you kissing her in the library yesterday."

"WHAT!? you saw that, I'll kill you if you tell anybody I swear." 

"I promise I won't tell anyone, so what about you Gray there has to be someone you looove?" I scowl at them and respond

"Love is stupid and pointless and will destroy any helpless fool who dares to fall in love."

*End of flashback* 

I was wrong and right at the same time. Love is not pointless or stupid It's wonderful and liberating. But is can destroy any fool who falls in love, it's killing me and destroying the one I love.             

Juvia POV

*Bang* my dad gun fires and hits Gray in the stomach. NO this can't be happening! 

"GRAY!" I yell as break away from my dad, run to the falling Gray, he hits the ground his eyes shut "AHHHHHHHH please don't die!" uncontrollable tears fall down my face, I knelt beside him and put his head in my lap, thank god he's still breathing. "Gray p-please stay a-alive, for me. you said you wanted to spend more time together we can't do that if your dead!" I caress his cheek as the color drains from his face and his breathing becomes more struggled. I turn to lock at the man I called father

"HOW COULD YOU!" My tears continue to fall like a raging waterfall, I look toward the base, "Somebody please help!"   

Narrator's POV

Juvia holds an unconscious dying Gray in her lap, yelling for help she a mess of tears and screams. While her father watches the scene in front of him in complete and utter shock. Now back at the base the member of Fairy Tail heard the gunshot and cries for help and are now running to the entrance with an array of weapons and medical supplies. 


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You all probably hate me right now. Sorry not sorry, I'm evil when I write I like creating sadness in the universes I create.  Any way should Gray live or die I'm currently undecided. Thank you again my wonderful readers see you next time I update      

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