Interview with: XwolfrunnerX

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Name of Book:

Howl, Howl

Genre of Book:

Werewolf, fantasy, romance

How did you discover Wattpad?

Through my sister – I’m not sure how she found the website, but she showed it to me. I abandoned and and joined Wattpad. I've been hooked ever since.

How did your interest in writing originate?

I started writing in 6th grade. It started out with a story about wolves (go figure). I only wrote a short blip that was incredibly and mortifyingly terrible. However, I received good feedback from my teacher who had read it out loud to the class. Since then, writing has become a passion of mine. I'm not quite sure where the desire to write came from though haha.

What was the inspiration for your story?

My inspiration came from Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice, and I like those time periods. I love werewolf stories as well.

How did you come up with the idea for your story?

Well after I was thinking about those books set in the 19th century, and how I loved werewolf books, I decided to combine the two. Once I did that, it was easy to think about how I wanted the story to go. My book is about werewolves in the late 1800's in New York.

Did you stick to your original plot or changed it?

Yes, I changed it several times. It wasn't until I decided that I wanted my main character to be ignorant about her wolfish heritage that my plot solidified. I've also added a few ideas to the plot that will be developing as I went along and wrote. One thing I need to work on is to make sure I know my story backwards and forwards, inside and outside, upside down and right side up. I'm not at that point yet, but I am working on it. I'll be following through with what I originally intended for the story.

Who is your favorite character from your story?

My favorite character is Ezra. He's dark, mysterious, foreboding, and a sarcastic bloke. He's nosy and arrogant and lethal. I love it. He will soon play a huge role in Howl, Howl. Don't worry readers, it will happen!

Are your characters based on real life people?

I would have to say my character Rosetta is a tiny bit like me. Some of her characteristics and reactions to certain things would be kind of how I would react to certain things. She isn't a major character, which is why I based some of her personality off of my own, but she responds to situations kind of like how I would respond. She's also prideful, like I am, and is intuitive. She's also very friendly, once you get to know her.

If your life was a book what would be the title?

I think "Who's the Grown Up?" would suffice. Mainly because I deal with people in my life who are much older than I am, who are way more immature about some things than me. Sometimes I feel that I have to be the adult in certain situations, and the adult themselves are acting like children.

Can you say something extra about your book readers don't know?

Ooo, it's always risky giving away spoilers. But here's one thing I will say: witches and vampires will come into the scene of the book, guys. I know how, and I know when, and Victoria (my main character) will play an important role in bringing these creatures about. The stone preventing her from becoming a werewolf also has a bigger part than just suppressing her wolfish heritage. Having only finished the sixth chapter right now, you won't see those creatures for a bit. But they will come! Also, romance between Victoria and a certain character (he shall remain nameless) will start. Soon, but not yet.

Have you ever had writer's block?

YES. So many times. I'm actually experiencing it right now with Howl, Howl.

How do/did you overcome it?

I usually can overcome writers block if I am listening to music, or not even thinking about it at all. Sometimes it will come from conversations with my sister that have absolutely nothing to do with my book, but then all the sudden BAM! I have an idea and I need to hurry and write it down before it leaves me. For example: the ending for Howl, Howl came to me in a dream a few days ago. I rushed and got down the main idea for the end on a piece of paper, and I will be using it towards the end of the series. (Yes fans, there’s going to be more than one:) )

Anything extra you would like to add?

Thank you WerewolfLibrary for interviewing me:). I also hope that the answers I gave were sufficient, though later I might think of some things I would have liked to say about Howl, Howl. Thank you fans for your amazing support and reads, I love it.

Interview With Werewolf Authors (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now