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I was gonna do a good copy of this, in the hope that it would flow better; but it was to no avail. Please settle with this not so perfect version:

The drops of descending water,

Seemed to stop time itself.

Slowly dripping down,

And pooling on the dead earth.

Then it turned into a river,

Then a dam, and a flood.

Then it was a magnificent ocean.

The ocean gleamed,

Beautifully vast,

Wonderfully alive,

And gorgeously cool,

To a human's touch.

But the ocean was made,

From a girls tears and suffering.

So how can the girl look,

At the beautiful sea,

And feel happy that she created,

Something so beautiful,

From something as melancholic,

As the fall of lugubrious tears?

Please comment! I really want to know what you guys are thinking! I don't care if its bad!

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