October snow fell

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  • Dedicated to Evanescence; because you are my first (and only) true love :)

Falling like dripping blood to catch,

The crimson snow fell in late October.

Children ran and caught it on their tongues,

No one staying sane and sober.

Dizzy and drunk the children danced,

Their twisted minds not feeling well.

Twirling, twirling. Spinning, spinning,

One by one they eventually fell.

Toppled over, losing conscious,

The dead adults were left to wonder,

What was it that made the snow,

Bring the children under?

The snow that fell in late October,

Was not snow at all, in fact,

It was the blood of angels far above,

The devil angry from a broken pact.

Forever the immortal beings fought,

And war ravaged the heavenly sky.

Deep in the dark pouring clouds,

They wait for every human to die.

Hey guys, you know the drill...







~Sheep Grl

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