A letter to a lost love...

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  • Dedicated to My Mum!! :P

To my one true love,

Who has left me again.

I plead for you and,

Your sweet retribution.

I wish you the best,

When you love again.

For you have left me,

To love another.

I'm sorry Seth.

I'm sorry I couldn't love both of you...  

Hello again. Wow. Three today. Im on a roll! Woo-hoo!

This poem is also for The Girl Who Cried Blood, and is the main charcter Mae sending a letter to Seth *spoiler, but im sure you expected it* who loveed her, but left her after she loved another. Whose name will not be revealed! Its not Dylan...

Hope you enjoyed it! I didn't. -.-

~Sheep Grl is booorreeeeddddd!!! >.<

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