We are broken - A poem for Dylan

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  • Dedicated to Dyaln Murdoch; you may only exist in my mind, but your stil great!!!!

Broken we are now,

Broken we shall stay.

Where we ever whole?

Will we be whole again?

Broken I have become,

From all that I've done.

It was us that made,

Our fate inevitable.

Our broken hearts,

Slowly shatter.

Crack after crumble,

Splinters and slits.

As broken as we are,

We should mourn.

A requiem for our souls,

Will not create reconcile.

Broken we are,

Faithless we are not.

Heeeellloooo!! This is a poem for Dylan Murdoch, my alter ego and a suporting chracter in my book The Girl Who Cried Blood (He was a character before my alter ego). Im planning to write a novella about him which begins after the end of The Girl Who Cried Blood and ties in with the second book. I hope I get to finish the first book so I can write Dylans book and the second book. :)

The novella is called We Are Broken- Dylans story. A Bloody tearss Novella.

Look out for it. ;)

Thanks 4 reading! VOTE FAN COMMENT!!!!!

~Sheep Grl

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