Chapter 2

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The sun was trying to awkwardly through the clouds as the day before. Jessy looked with horror at her reflection in the mirror. She hated tiled skirts. And mounted white socks... The shirt wasn't quite the right size, but it suited her. No way to wear something where buttons at chest level wish all to burst! The sexy look was far from her.

"Oh! You're so pretty!"

"I look ridiculous. Don't say anything, please."

"Don't forget your blazer."

"How could I forget when you never cease to remind me?"

"The blazer is very important to some students. And you'll have to make new friends."

Jessy shook her head, adjusting her tie.

"And why not?"

"Because it's all the same small groups following each other for a long time. They have no desire to include foreigner while they are in the final year."

"I'm sure you're wrong. Five more minutes!"

Her aunt closed the door of her room. Jessy felt so miserable. And not just because of the uniform. She missed her friends. And Martin more than anyone. She saw him proudly riding his bike at the skate park. He wanted to be good enough to compete at the professional level. He had told her he would win back her heart and would be together for the rest of their life. The accident occurred during a jump he had long practiced. The weather was perfect and the breeze was very light. No problems at all. So what had happened? A lack of concentration prevented good land on the other side. He fell head first. She remembered the crackling... She should have been in classes instead of being in the skate park. She wanted to see Martin. She regretted her decision. Yes, he had perhaps kissed another girl, but she was worthless. Therefore she didn't represent a threat. He would become her boyfriend.

She realized she was crying. She hastened to wipe her face to reduce the effects of tears. Margo was waiting near the door, a huge smile on her lips.

"Ready to face the outside world?"

"How do you manage to be so happy in the morning?"

"One of use has to be! Let's go!"

They climbed into the car without saying a word. Radio spat music that the girl had never heard. She would insert her headphones in her ears when Margo started a small talk on the way forward in this school. The rules were very strict. Jessy understood it fast enough. No phone wouldn't be tolerated in the classroom, and other portable gadget. She first had to report to the principal's office to report her presence. Then the secretary will provide all other explanations and regulations she would surely need to survive.

A thought suddenly struck her. She asked her to drop her at the corner near the school. Margo frowned.

"And why?"

"You don't know many teenagers, aren't you?"

"What is it supposed to mean?"

"I'm the new girl. Seeing me get off your car... I may have big problems."

Margo laughed.

"You're afraid for your reputation, right?"

"I have no reputation, but I don't want to start like that. Do you understand?"

The vehicle stopped near the sidewalk. The girl quickly went down without thanking her. She adjusted the strap of her backpack before setting off. The more she approached the building, over the hubbub of many discussions invaded her. She didn't feel ready to face new faces. As expected, she attracted few strokes strange glance. The wind was blowing dead leaves in front of her as she approached the concrete steps. Margo had explained to her where she would find the secretariat. She calmed the frantic beating of her heart and did what Margo had told her to do.

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