Chapter 12

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After using the cleanser she had brought, she sprinkled her face with cold water as to remove all traces of makeup and erase the events of the evening. She closed her eyes and put her hands on each side of the sink, head down. She took several deep breaths, gathering her thoughts. She wanted to forget everything tha thad happened during the evening, but she was unable. Eyes closed, she couldn't erase the image of Anick's smiling face. It was still creepy. She snatched a paper towel and wiped her face. When she opened her eyes again, her gaze fell on the mirror in front of her. Her heart leaped in her chest when she saw Nelly behind her. Since when is she there? The girl hadn't heard the bathroom door open.

"Sorry," Nelly said, forcing herself to smile. "I didn't want to scare you."

Jessy said Nothing. She finished to clean up her face, hoping that Nelly leave her alone. She wouldn't talk to her for the moment. And with good reason! She felt way to agitated to talk to her. A heavy silence weighed in the bathroom. Jessy finished to completely remove her makeup before going to her bag. She replaced what was Inside to then close it. Nelly looked at the tips of her shoes, trampling on the spot. She seemed a little impatient.

"Say something, please..."

"I have Nothing to say to you."

The tone employed by the girl was maybe a little dry, but she wanted her to understand the message as quickly as possible. But it didn't really seem to work.

"What is going to happen to her now?"

Jessy gave a deep sigh. She straightened up and slid the strap of her backpack over her shoulder before turning to the girl. She shook her head without saying anything. Nelly's makeup sank slightly. She seemed to have cried. This proves maybe she has a conscience. But she fell no pity despite the look that Nelly hurled. Not after what had happened.

"She needs help..."

"She might receive it."

The tone of her voice reflected a perfect indifference. Why should she worry about the fate of a girl who wanted to kill her?

"She... she was still fine before you came..."

"Are you trying to say that it's my fault what happened?"

"No, I..." Nelly spluttered, uncomfortable. "She told us her idea of scaring you after we left her home."

"Since the beginning? Charming..."

"And I realize that she has manipulated us all."

"Some people had warned me against you all," Jessy cut, slightly approaching Nelly, "and I should have listen to them."

Nelly bowed her head again.

"She was my friend so I thought it was..."

"What a great friendship you can have! It's almost a shame I'm so annoying to you."

"It was just my first impression..." the girl retorted, looking up to her. "But I went back on it!"

"I guess I have to thank you for that? And for Julian? Whad did she put in your head for completely brainwash you?"

"He hated her and, according to Anick, he had a very bad influence on Martin. She even told us he was maybe in love with him..."

"In short, she wanted Martin for herself. No one could get near him, insn't it?"

Nelly nodded. She added that it was also one of the reasons why Martin had dumped her, even though she wouldn't dare admit it. Jessy raised her hand to silence her. All their stories didn't interest her. She wouldn't hear anything. Gossip, rumors... It wasn't her business. Anick hardly accepted Martin's death. It wasn't her problem. She had quite enough with her own! But Jessy didn't choose to hide under a veil of lies and revenge. Therefore she went to the door and walked out of the bathroom without turning back.

Her aunt was chatting with another supervisor. She nodded when she saw her niece. The girl went to join her and asked if they could go back home. Margo nodded again without saying anything. Words were totally unnecessary. As they walked toward the exit, a small group of teenagers were talking in a low voice about the incident of the evening. They all swore to have seen the ghost of Nancy push Anick down from the bridge. Jessy gave a small smile. She just enter the legend!


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