Chapter 7

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Five teenagers seemed petrified. Margo looked coldly at them one after the other. It's the moment of truth. Show what you can do! So Jessy held her gaze. She had no intention to be humiliated in front of her friends. And she refused to crawl in front of her. Then she folded her arms without looking away.

"So?" the supervisor went on. "What costume are you talking about?"

They looked all at Jessy to know what she was going to answer. It's time to prove what you can do. She shrugged.

"The one I brought."

"Ah? Really? I never knew that you had brought disguises with you."

"I believe that you don't know a lot about me, dear aunt."

The provocation had the effect to increase Margo's anger. And Jessy totally loved it!

"And I assume that you all judged the last period wasn't necessary," Margo launched to change the subject.

"Somehow," Jessy said, as if it was a no-brainer.

Margo took out a small notepad from her back pocket and began to write something before looking again at the adolescents.

"You'll please me to go back to class," she said, smiling.

They said not a word. Even Jessy remained silent. But she seethed with rage. How dare she was there and do her job? And how did she know where to find them? Did she follow them? Now, everything became clear: Margo had followed them there, jeopardizing hteir usual meeting place. For the young girl, it was the only possible explanation. Her friends had never had a problem before. It's my fault if they have problems... Margo handed them each a ticket.

"And we'll meet in detention after classes."

Shit...! Margo was about to walk away, but she changed her mind at the last moment and turned toward them.

"By the way," she said, looking directly at her niece, "I'm counting on you to show her where the detention local is. See you later."

Jessy wasn't the kind of person who wanted to fight, but she now dreamed of hitting her aunt for this humiliation. Wasn't it a conflict of interest or something like that? They all returned inside, forced to attend their last class. When the period was finally over, they were all in Anick's locker begore heading slowly toward the detention local. The room wasn't full, but they were not the only ones. Margo was already there. She asked them to take place and the detention could begin. No cellphone or music was tolerated during this time. At least, Jessy could continue her scribbling. She did so angrily. Her aunt would lecture her once at the apartment. And she wouldn't hear it. She might repeat the same as usual: friends would only bring her problems and she got into bad company. As long as she is not accusing them of having a bad influence on me! I can make my own decisions! It was a little like saying that she had no need of anybody to have problems, but she didn't care.

When detention ended, Margo was leaning against the desk at the front of the room. They all had to pass in front of her. She gave some advice to the first to leave. Then came the moment where Jessy and her friends were headed to the exit. Margo went on her little charade.

"Anick," she sighed, noting something on a small notepad, "you just got back from a suspension. Think about it a little more."

Anick merely did wince a sort of smile. The boys were allowed to a simple warning:

"Stay out of trouble, guys."

With Nelly, this was something else entirely.

"You haven't got the message last time?"

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