Chapter 3

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Students were walking around at lunch time. Jessy went to her locker after Sebastian - the boy who handed her the paper - thank her a million times. He was very grateful to her for not having mentioned that it was his fault. It allowed me to show to the others what I can do. The rumors was circulating perhaps how she wasn't afraid of teachers and their authority Except that I will surely had a sermon tonight... She was preparing, but she wasn't ashamed of what she had done. This could have happened as she had told the teacher.

The girl managed to find her locker and then store her stuff. What would she do now? She wasn't really hungry. Just the idea of eating alone only took away all interest. Anick suddenly appeared. In a mocking tone, she congratulated her to still be alive.

"I'm very strong," Jessy replied, closing her locker.

"Follow me: you're coming to have lunch with us."

"Aren't you afraid for your social reputation if others see you with me?"

"I don't think it'll hurt me. Besides, it's yours which may take a hit! So you're coming?"

Jessy nodded before following her. She began to think about what sort of social reputation Anick could have. She didn't know much about her, except that she had been suspended not too long ago. Why? The girl hadn't even thought to ask. But now she didn't care since she wouldn't have lunch alone. They entered the cafeteria and were immediately overwhelmed by a relentless stream of discussion and laughter intertwined. Jessy had forgotten how this place could be noisy at lunch time. They went to join Anick's friends. A girl with blond hair frowned, an expression of disdain on her face.

"Who's that?"

"She's new," Anick replied, sitting down. "Since she doesn't know anybody. I thought she could join us."

"If you say so," the blonde retorted, looking away.

Anick chuckled, turning to Jessy.

"Don't pay attention to Nelly: she's mad at the whole Earth!"

"To my boyfriend," Nelly specified, grinning. "It's not the same!"

"Ex-boyfriend," a boy with black hair said. "Remember that he prefers to spend his time with Mary."

"He will soon realize his mistake. You'll see."

"Remember she once was your friend," Anick said, shrugged. "It's a bit because of you he knows her today."

"No need to remind me."

Anick clapped her hands to stop the discussion and have the attention of everyone.

"Good!" she began, forcing a smile. "Let's introduce ourselves officially, right? She avoided me for getting into troubles this morning!"

"Again!" the boy cried. "I thought you knew well the supervisors."

"Well it turns out that Jerome has somewhat changed his path."

"You'd think you never learn," Nelly sighed, rolling her eyes. "You'll get caught again..."

A boy came to join them. Jessy recognized him from her science class. He also recognized her. He approached her and took her hand to kiss her. The others looked, surprised. Sebastian thanked her again several times. The girl felt a little uncomfortable with the situation. Nobody understood, of course.

"When you have finished to cuddle each other," Nelly began, irritably, "it bothered you to explain?"

Sebastian pulled a chair to sit nonchalantly.

"Thanks to her, I avoided detention."

"What you have done again?" the black-haired boy asked.

"During science class, I asked her to pass a message to Isabelle who was sitting in front..."

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