Chapter 8

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There had a brief moment of silence. Jessy propped against the wall near the window, waiting for any reaction from her friends. On the other side of the door, she could hear Margo mumble hysterically. She had to be on the phone. In an exasperated tone, the name of Jerome was pronounced several times. Why is she talking to her colleague? This surely isn't a courtesy call! The girl had completely forgotten about her friends which, she hoped, were still in the line with her. She approached the door to listen to the intense conversation that her aunt seemed to have.

"Jerome... Please..."

Why was she begging her colleague? And since when she phoned her colleagues during the evening? Jessy didn't believe that her aunt could have any social life. And even less with a colleague! Maybe she was having and affair and Jerome is married... The scenario was taking place in her mind, despite an irresistible desire to vomit.

"Jessy?" a voice faraway said. "Are you still there?"

Nelly's voice... The girl walked slightly from the door, whispering.

"Just a minute! I think Something is happening here."

"What do you mean?" Anick added, chuckling.

"Something like your aunt is going to kick the door of your room with an axe?" Nelly laughed.

Her friends burst out laughing, but Jessy didn't lend them attention. She tried to understand the discussion her aunt seemed to have. She slighted open the door to hear well.

"Please, Jerome... I need you to understand..."

She's talking about what with her jerk colleague? But it didn't resemble a mistress who begs her lover.

"But it was a the beginning of the year! And... I know it's a bit at the last minute, except that..."

"What is happening?" Anick asked.

"Just a minute!"

"You're sure nobody can replace me? My priorities have changed a bit and chaperoning the Halloween dance..."

The girl hurried to close the door before laughing. Margo had mentioned that she promised to chaperone the dance? It was too good to be true! Always in a low voice, she hastened to tell them what she had just heard.

"The dance?" Nelly said in a skeptical tone. "Are you sure of that?"

"I know what I heard!"

"Then your aunt will be there?" Anick hastened to ask. "Are you in for revenge?"

"It may look like it, indeed."

"For me," Nelly began, "I have absolutely nothing against this motivation."

"So much for me. So here's the plan..."

* * * * *

Everything was going to happen the next day. Jessy had somewhat lost the notion of time. She thought she had a little more time. But things would have to happen a little faster she had planned it. She would have to accelerate in regard of the makeup. Confined to her room the night before, she had the opportunity to imagine a few things and put them on paper. She was now stuck between two "models" and she was eager to show them to her friends.

Except that she had not expected her aunt...

Since the previous day, Margo was in "I-Monitors-Everything" mode. Then when the girl came out of her room the next day and headed for the exit, she was arrested immediately.

"What are you doing?" Margo asked, standing near the kitchen counter. "I'm not ready yet."

Jessy frowned.

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