Rules, Rules And More Rules

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Your POV

I seriously hate my life. I mean, I enjoy being a princess and royalty and everything, but I want to have a normal life, at least. My mind just aches having to know that I'm supposed to stay in this castle for all eternity, unless I have to visit other kingdoms to, unfortunately, meet other princes.

Some of them are actually on my parents' list of who I should marry. Uh, excuse me, but I have no idea who the hell these guys are! And if you want my opinion, some of them are so not good looking. Some of them are okay, but they try way to hard for me and Sonia.

I hate the fact that royalty is supposed to marry other royalty. Okay, so Mom and Dad loved each other and they were both royals, but Sonic likes Nimue the lady of the lake, and he'll never get to be with her as long as these fucking rules are around. I really think these rules should change for the benefit of, well, everyone. Because this really isn't fair.

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