The Baby

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Nine months later

Shadow's POV

We found out that (Y/N) was going to give birth to a girl. She was doing pretty well, except for her cravings. We were calmly watching a movie, when suddenly, she jerked a little. "(Y/N), you okay?" "Yeah, I guess so" we continued when she started moaning and suddenly she screamed, "Ah! Shadow! The baby! It's coming!" she clutched her stomach. I immediately rushed her to the hospital.

Few minutes later

"Come on, (Y/N), keep pushing!" "Shut the fuck up and don't tell me what to do!" I was highly offended, but I was warned about this. Suddenly, we heard a baby cry. "Here you go" she was beautiful. She looked like (Y/N), but her fur was black and streaked with red, like me. "What should we name her?" "Hmm... How about (Girl's name)?" "Great" and she cuddled with her.

Few years later

I'm very happy with my life. I'm with my wife, whom I love so much and I have a daughter whom I love too and she is just as adventurous and optimistic as her mother.

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