Am I In Love?

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Your POV

The next day

Another boring day, in a boring castle. The Knights of the Round Table had to leave for a mission and we all had to help our knights up when they came, since the castle gates would be closed (don't ask why, it's just part of the story). Anyway I was brushing my hair when I heard a shout. I looked down my window to see Shadow there, scarred and slightly bleeding. "Oh my gosh, Shadow! Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine!" "Hang on, I'll send the rope down" so I went to the rope and threw it down. I felt him get on and I started to pull. Hey, I may have been a princess, but that doesn't mean I'm not strong. I train with Sonic everyday. He was almost there.

Shadow's POV

Damn. I never knew (Y/N) was so strong. It was a good thing that she was at least. I got up and was kneeling on the windowsill, panting heavily. "Are you okay, Shadow?" "Yeah, I'm fine" "Good..." we both stayed silent and blushed as we both realized how close our faces were.

I looked into her (e/c) eyes as we both leaned in, slowly, our lips almost touching, when we were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I got off the windowsill and the King and Queen came in. "Sweetie, are you okay?" "Ugh, I'm fine Mom. But I think Sha-, I mean Sir Lancelot is hurt. Don't worry, I'll look after him, " I looked up at her and she smiles." Well, okay, take care of him well" "I will, don't worry" and they left the room.

"You volunteered to look after me?" "Sure, I mean everyone has to show kindness to anyone" "Thanks, (Y/N)" and she got the first aid kit. Just as she cleaned my gashes, we accidentally touched and looked up, blushing madly. She then said I should take a day off to heal. She's a really nice person. She's also shows kindness, optimism, bravery and beauty. Wait, why am I thinking this? Am I... In love with her?

Your POV

That was weird. Every time I'm around Shadow, I get a weird feeling, and blush deeply whenever we touch by accident. Is it possible that I'm falling for him?

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