2nd Doctor x TimeLady Reader x 3rd Doctor

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P.S: This scene is going to take place during the episode "The Three Doctors."
You, Jo, Benton, the Second Doctor and the Third Doctor are in the TARDIS as the two Doctor's are arguing with each other. You sit there quietly as you let the two go at each other, it was quite entertaining as he was just arguing with himself. Benton and Jo remain silent, following what you were doing.

The Two Doctor's were First arguing over the TARDIS, next it was how to properly operate the TARDIS, then it was about their clothes. Couldn't they see there was something more important going on then that?

You sighed as you hit your fist on the console "ENOUGH!" You yell, getting both Time Lords attention. They look at you surprised a bit, remaining silent, then they look back to each other.

"Well, (Your Time Lord Name) enjoys when I play my recorder, don't you (Your TLN)?" The Second Doctor asks looking to you with a smile.

You nodded unconsciously as you thought you yourself. Oh no he wasn't, he was not going to make this petty argument about you now, was he?

The Third Doctor spoke up "Well it just so happens, (Your TLN) likes my yellow car called Bessie more than that silly recorder!"

You sighed, slapping your hands over your face. Why was he arguing with himself over you? You both had already been together for a long time. There was no need to argue over you, they were the same person after all.

"There they go again." Benton commented shaking his head.

The Second Doctor looked to his future self with a frown "At least (Your TLN) likes my clothes and thinks they're lovely!"

The Third Doctor scoffed "Yes well...(Your TLN) thinks my sense of style is very Suave." He announced proudly.

They kept eyeing you like children looking to their mother for approval.

"Fancy pants!" The Second Doctor yelled at his future self.

"Nitwhit!" The Third Doctor yelled at his past self.

They both looked to you "(Your TLN)!!!"

You looked to the both of them as you sighed. "What is it now? Don't you guys know we have more important things at hand?"

The Doctor with a bowl haircut and clown like attire looked to you "Which one of us do you like better my dear?"

The Suave dressed Doctor with looked to you waiting for your answer.

You sighed and shook your head. "You both are idiots! You spent your time arguing over stuff like this?"

They both looked to you with raised eyebrows in confusion.

You kissed both their cheeks "I like you both equally. You both have qualities I adore and you're both the Doctor I fell in love with. It doesn't matter what regeneration you're in, that will never change."

The two Doctor's looked to each other then looked back to you "Don't you like one of us more than the other, even just a little bit?" The Second Doctor asked.

"Nope." You shook your head "I already told you both how I feel, now drop it!"

They both look to each other as if they were going to argue again but you reminded them "Ah, ah ah! Stop it!"

They looked back to each other again as Jo suddenly called out pointing to the screen "Look, Look!" The D

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