6th Doctor x TimeLady Reader

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You and Peri stepped out of the TARDIS onto the sandy beach. Your (Eye Color) eyes observing the area that looked a bit gloomy since the sun was hiding behind the clouds and no people were around. Your (Hair Color) hair blowing in the wind that smelled of the ocean and sand.

"Oh no one's here. We have the whole beach to ourselves!" Peri exclaimed looking around the area as she carried a bag full of items out.

You looked over at her pointing at a good area to put their stuff. "Oh Peri how about here? This seems like a good enough area. You have a good view of the waves."

Peri nodded and came over to you as she set the blanket down first then set up the chairs for them.

You looked to the human girl. "Is Mr. Rainbow coming out here with us or is he allergic to fun?" You both exchanged laughs. Mr. Rainbow was the nickname you gave him because of his crazy rainbow coat he wore.

"He says the idea of visiting a beach is stupid when we could be going off on a far more exciting adventure." Peri explained as she took off her sundress showing her pink swimsuit.

You sighed and put your hand to your forehead "Arrogant, rainbow wearing-"

The Doctor then stepped out of the TARDIS and walked over to you both complaining "Why do you two want to go visit a beach when it's not even sunny here?"

You turned to look at him "Because us girls want to relax for a day. One day of relaxation and not fighting monsters who are trying to take or the world." You began to take off your white sundress showing your one piece white swimsuit.

The Doctor's body froze as his eyes widened looking at you. This regeneration of Yours was fairly new and seemed to like the color white. A couple of emotions passed his face as you didn't notice before you looked up at him and he replace it with a blank face as he looked out into the waves.

"Come on Peri, let's go." You said calmly to your female friend as the two of you walked out to the waves leaving The Doctor behind to watch you both.

He watched as You were kicking the water with your feet as small waves came in. You had a smile on your face which he loved. This Incarnation was a big change from your last one.

You and Peri ran around in the water while The Doctor watched sighing and shaking his head. Why did he have to do things like this? He could be doing things so much better then this. He did it for You, (Your Time Lord Title Name). Though he could be off showing the world his brilliance instead of sitting around a beach watching two girls play in the water like children. He delt with it all for you since your were childhood friends for a long time and also because he had feelings for you.

The Doctor was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Peri shouting. "Doctor! Doctor! (Your Time Lord Title Name)'s drowning, she needs your help!"

The Doctor looked out in the waves shocked to see you drifting off far away from them as he quickly took off his coat and ran into the water, swimming to save you. His hearts race at the thought of losing you again. He reached you and went under pulling you up as he swam back to shore.

Peri came up to help him as he snapped at her "Stay away from her! You could have jumped in and saved her but you didn't. Instead you put her in harm's way!" He looked down at you who remained unconscious as he listened to see your hearts still working.

"Her hearts are still working." You suddenly jumped up coughing up water as Peri ran over happy her friend was alright.

"(Your Time Lord Title Name), I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" Peri was cut off by The Doctor snapping at her.

"Peri if you could just think, use that small brain of your and think then maybe this wouldn't have happened to her!" The Doctor glared at her as Peri looked shocked.

You finally caught your breath as you stopped The Doctor from yelling at Peri. "Mr. Rainbow this isn't Peri's fault so stop yelling at her. It was mine for being reckless. The waves appeared small so I thought it was safe to go out farther and they suddenly changed and I got caught in them."

The Doctor sighed as he started to scold you "You know better (Your Time Lord Title Name)! You need to be more careful! You're smarter then that!"

You sighed then gave him a smile. "I know, I know."

The Doctor turned to Peri giving her a glare. "As for you, you could have saved her. Can't you swim? Why go to a beach and go out in the water if you don't know how to swim? Dear me, (Your Time Lord Title Name) and I have to endure your endless stupidity, only this time she had to pay for it!" Peri looked at him sad.

"Don't start with the water works." He snapped at her.

You then cut in "I said enough Doctor! Don't yell at her. She panicked and didn't know what to do. This doesn't make it any part of her fault besides I don't blame her. Just drop it ok."

He turned to look at You shocked "Drop it?" He scoffed "You were in danger! You want me to just drop it?"

You both began to argue with one another as Peri sat in a chair putting her headphones in as it had become a common thing for you both to argue now like a married couple. Besides there was nothing to worry about as you both always made up after.

"You're an Arrogant, self-absorbed, stubborn, rainbow wearing Time Lord!" You yelled at him.

The Doctor scoffed "At least I don't have (Hair Color) that looks terrible!" He knew that would get to You as you began to growl.

"You're such a jerk! You use to be such a gentlemen but I guess the bump on your head did a little too much damage to you and knocked that part out of you!" You crossed Your arms huffing. You were so angry with him. Why did he always argue with you? You both had never argued this bad before, but lately it happened with his new incarnation.

He gave a scoff again and glared at you "I believe this incarnation of mine is an improvement. My last incarnation had a feckless charm that wasn't quite me. You were a crybaby who dressed up in little girl clothes sucking your thumb while you slept! At least I act my age unlike you!" You gave a gasp as he smirked at you. He didn't admit but, he argued with you to get your attention, but sometimes he took the arguing a little too far and hurt you. He felt guilty inside as you looked at him hurt by what he said.

You glared at him in anger as he kept a cool facade. "Oh did I hit a nerve?" He asked you sarcastically.

You stomped your foot down on his as he winced in pain. "Oh I'm sorry, did I hit a nerve?" You mocked him back smirking.

He glared at you "Oh very funny. Would you watch what you're doing?! Your big feet could hurt someone not that your (Hair Color) hair already hurts my eyes looking at it." Though he thought your (hair Color) hair was very beautiful.

You glared and began growling at him as you thought of a way that would shut him up. It would shock him to the core. You only hoped it worked.

You put your hands on his cheeks and crushed your lips to his as you both kissed. The Doctor's body froze as you pulled back smirking. "That should do the trick." You walked over to Peri as the girl looked up to see The Doctor frozen in place. She began to laugh.

"Did you kiss him or something? He looks shocked." Peri asked amused over the look on The Doctor's face.

"It was the only thing I could think up to shut him up." You sat down on the blanket besides Peri sitting in the chair. The two girls looked out to the waves leaving The Doctor to himself.

The Doctor was shocked by your action. His hearts raced as you kissed him and he didn't know what to say about it as he watched you walk away. You talked to Peri about it and remained silent with his thoughts as he thought over the kiss and grinned. He wanted Your attention and he got it.

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