Trick Or Treating 4th Doctor x Child! Reader

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You were rumiging through the TARDIS closet looking for a Halloween costume to wear. You wanted to go trick or treating like any normal Earth kid and get all the candy you could get your hands on. 

As you thought about the sweet tasty treat and began drooling, the Doctor who you were traveling with came into the room seeing piles of clothers everywhere as he looked wide-eyed. 

"(Your Name), what happened here?" The Scarf wearing Doctor asked you.

You stopped dead in your tracks and turned around looking to him "I was lookin for a Halloween costume for trick or treatings for the treats." 

"You want to go trick or treating?" The Doctor asked you. You nodded as he gave a toothy grin "Then why not, sounds fun!" 

You jumped up and down happily "Yay!" 

"What do you want to dress up as?" The Doctor asked you. "Any idea in mind."

You thought for a little bit as you pointed to him "I wanna be you Doctor!" 

"Me?" He looked at you with wide eyes. "I don't know (Your name)."

You gave him the irrestistable puppy dog eyes as he looked to you hesitating a little "No (Your name), that's not working on me! I invented that! No matter how much you use it, it is not working on me!"


The TARDIS had landed on Earth exactly on Halloween night. The door's opened as You stepped out wearing your mini 4th Doctor outfit as the Doctor followed after you. 

The children were out roaming the streets with their parents wearing their costumes and getting candy. You both were getting compliments from people and heard comments like "They look so identical!" and "How cute!"

You arrived to the first door with the Doctor behind you as the owner opened the door "Trick or treat!" you said as the owner looked at you smiling.

"Ah, what a cutie! Here you go!" They put the candy in your pillowcase as you ran back to the Doctor. 

Suddenly you came to a scary house with scary decorations outside as you hooked onto the Doctor's leg and his scarf. He could sense you were scared as he knelt down to your level looking at you "(Your Name), go on, it's okay. They're not real, They're just decorations." 

"A-Are you sure?" You asked with your voice shaking.

"Yes, I'll even come with you to prove it!" The Doctor said as you hung onto his scarf as you both walked past the decorations up to the door. The owner opened the door as they handed both of you a box of candy.

"Ah but, I'm not..." The Doctor began as you interrupted him.

"Doctor, Jelly Babies!" You yelled excitedly pointing to the box of candy in his hand. 

He looked back up to the owner with a tooth grin "On second thought, thank you!" As he tipped his hat to them. You both began walking up to doors together collecting as much candy and Jelly Babies as you could. 

The other house you walked up to the owner asked who you both were dressed as "I'm dressed as the Doctor and he's dressed as himself!" You exclaimed happily. 

"How adorable!" They commented.


You both arrived back at the TARDIS as you dropped all the candy on the floor and began looking through it. Whatever you didn't like and the Doctor would, you gave to him. Whatever he didn't like and you would, he gave to you. 

"Here (Your Name), try this!" The Doctor said as you took a bite of the candy he offered you. 

"Yummy!" You commented smiling as he gave a toothy grin agreeing. "Can I have some Jelly Babies?" 

He nodded as he brought in his pillowcase that was full of nothing but Jelly Babies.

You looked at it with wide eyes as you laughed "Doctor, is this all you collected?" 

He nodded "Yes, you can never have too much Jelly Babies (Your Name)." 

You laughed again as you opened a box and put a couple in your mouth "Happy Halloween Doctor!"

He chuckled as he gave a toothy grin "And a Happy Halloween to you as well (Your Name.)

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