6th Doctor x TimeLady Reader

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The Doctor, Peri and you were walking around the town, taking a break from your normal adventures for now. Peri wanted to show you the stores around the area and go shopping.

The Doctor wasn't to keen on the idea. He would rather be doing more useful things with his time besides this, yet he went along with it all for you.

You and Peri continued walking around as you spotted an ice cream stand. Ice cream sounded very delicious to you at the moment so you looked to Peri and the Doctor "Can we get some Ice cream?"

Peri looked to the Doctor wondering the same thing to. She doubted he would be up for it but with you, he would probably give in.

The Doctor nodded as he looked to Peri and then you "Alright then, sounds good."

The three of you went to check out the many different flavors of ice cream they had. The many different flavors listed were: Butter Pecan, Chocolate Chip, Cookies N Cream, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Pistachio, Green Tea and Carrot Cake.

The Doctor grimmaced at the Carrot cake one. "Carrot Cake? CARROT CAKE? Why would they put carrots in a cake, much less ice cream?"

You and Peri both giggled at his dislike for anything Carrot. "Alright, so the carrot cake one is a major no." You commented. "I don't want to much, only a little bit of ice cream."

"I'm getting a strawberry cone." Peri commented as a great idea came to her. "Hey (Your Time Lord Title Name), If you don't want too much, why don't you and the Doctor share an ice cream cone?"

The Doctor's eyes went wide at the thought. Peri looked to him noticing this as she smirked "What do you think of the idea Doctor?"

He cleared his throat as he regained his thoughts "That's a silly idea Peri! I don't think (Your Time Lord Title Name) would want to do something silly and childish like that."

You looked to the Doctor "Alright, sounds good. We will share an ice cream cone. Does (Your favorite Ice Cream Flavor) sound okay with you?"

The Doctor nodded replying. Peri just shook her head smirking at him as she knew her idea was perfect and he was for it even though he acted otherwise.


You all got your ice cream as you sat down eating it. You looked to the Doctor as you were holding the ice cream cone "Would you like to take the first honors or shall I?"

"You go ahead, I'm not a big fan of (Your favorite ice cream flavor) anyway." He said a bit shyly as he tried hiding it.

You glared at him as you held it to his face "Come on now, don't be shy. I know you like (Your favorite ice cream flavor), so don't lie to me." You paused a bit as you looked to him "Are you scared of getting cooties?"

He looked to you with a raised eyebrow "Afraid of cooties? Me? Ha! My dear (Your Time Lord Title Name) you must be joking." He hesitated looking to the cone "Give that to me!"

He took the ice cream cone from you as he licked it. "There, happy?" He said as he handed it back to you.

You sighed "You're acting like a child again." You took the ice cream cone and licked it, you absolutely loved this flavor. The sweet tasty treat was good to have for a change.

The Doctor scoffed "No you are."

You handed him the ice cream cone again "Says the rainbow dressed one."

He gave the ice cream a lick and was going to argue back at you, but he instead saw you close to his face as you licked the ice cream. "It's melting, hurry up rainbow!"

He was shocked by the action as he handed it to you blushing a bit "There." Peri saw this and giggled a bit at it.

You began to finish the rest of the ice cream as you looked to him giggling.


The three of you began walking back to the TARDIS as you pulled the Doctor aside by his wrist. He looked to you confused and shocked. "What is it (Your Time Lord Title Name)?"

You looked up to him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips, something you had been wanting to do for a while now. "Thank you Doctor for today. Even though you're childish and arrogant at times, I know you mean well."

He looked to you with wide eyes as you both looked into each other's eyes. He then cleared his throat to break the silence "Come on, we should get inside the TARDIS. Peri is probably wondering where we went."

You chuckled as you both walked into the TARDIS hand in hand.

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