8th Doctor x Reader - Kissing in the Rain

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You and the Victorian dressed, romantic of a Doctor were walking along the streets of Victorian Era, England. The two of you decided to take a vacation and travel to a random place.

The dirty blonde haired Doctor looked to you "So, where eould you like to go (Your Name)? Choose any place you want in the universe!"

You brought your finger to your lips, thinking about where in the world you could go. "Oh, how about Victorian Era, England? It doesn't matter what time."

The Doctor smiled, excitedly "Ah, excellent choice (Your name)!" He pulled the levers and pushed buttons on the TARDIS console as the TARDIS began to wheeze and take off.

You went into the TARDIS closet to get yourself dressed for the occassion. The Doctor on the other hand was usually dressed in Victorian clothes, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Moments later, you came out of the dressing room and back to the console room where the Doctor was waiting. "So, what do you think?" You asked, awaiting his answer.

He turned around and paused, his eyes full of love and a warm smile on his face. You looked absolutely perfect and astonishing to him as always, to the point where you took his breath away. He nodded, trying to regain his composure "Phenomenal as always (Your name)."

Your cheeks became red as you shyly said "Thank you Doctor." You really adore this man, this impossible, marvoleous man!

He grabbed your hand and smiled to you, excited "Are you ready (Your name)?"

"Yes, lead the way Doctor!" You replied back to the Time Lord happily. You both exited the TARDIS and began walking along the streets of Victorian Era England. Carriages pulled by horses road along the cobblestone streets and men and woman in Victorian attire walked along the sidewalks.

You observed the surroundings, taking it all in. It was not everyday someone could travel back in time to the Victorian Era...well unless they were someone with a Time Machine like the Doctor.

The Doctor looked down at you to see you happily smiling at the surroundings. There was something he wanted to tell you, but he decided to wait when the mood was right.

As you both continued walking, you passed by a newspaper boy yelling the news of the day. You stopped as the Doctor picked up the newspaper reading it. "Jack the Ripper strikes again!"

Your eyes became wide at this. "Wait! You don't actually mean...The Jack the Ripper? The one who murdered those prostitutes?"

The Doctor nodded "You are in the Victorian Era after all (Your name)."

You begin to nervously laugh "Haha...yeah." The Victorian dressed Doctor pulled you close to him, giving you a warm smile of reassurance. "Don't worry (Your name), I'll protect you."

Your face became a bright red as you noded "O-okay." He really knew how to make your heart beat fast and how to use his words.

You both continued walking as you held the Doctor's hand again. His hand was so warm and soft, you didn't want to let go at all. Suddenly you were broken from your thoughts as the Time Lord looked to you with a smile. "What is it Doctor? Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

The Doctor explained"(Your name)..." He smiled happily "I've had the desire for the excitement of being close to someone, the need to exchange ideas on a more personal level, to be able to tell someone what I really believe. I've been looking around for someone who could make me feel like that and I haven't found it."

You looked down, sadened by the news "Oh..."

He continued "That is...until I met you." Then out of nowhere, he suddenly took you into a passionate, gentle, kiss that sent butterflies to your stomach. You two broke away from the kiss, looking into each others eyes.

"Wow..." You said, surprised by the sudden kiss and confession. That was when the sky decided to pour down and let it rain. The rain came down real heavy as the two of you became soaking wet. You began to giggle at the Doctor, he looked adorable standing right there in the soaking rain.

It was your turn to kiss the Time Lord back as he accepted it. People passing by looked at the open affection with surprise, as couples weren't allowed to show such open affection in public. The both of you didn't care though, as you continued kissing in the rain.

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