One era Halloween tales

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Ian and Barbara in 'Pun Before the Party'

An excited Ian, dressed like Dracula, tried to contain his fit of giggles as he approached Barbara from behind, peering at her as she looked into her dressing table mirror.

“Oh Ian,” she replied as she saw three Ian vampires in the reflections of the three mirrors. She remembered the Dracula she and Vicki encountered during their travels and was not keen on seeing that particular character again.

Ian leaned toward her neck and pretended to bite into it. “I want to suck your blood.”

She politely smiled, ignoring the fact he’d said the same statement already, and sprayed a can at her hair. It instantly turned her hair a shade of white. 

“Who are you supposed to be anyway?” Ian said as he watched her apply some make-up.

“I’m Anne Boleyn.”

Ian frowned. “I can’t bite your neck if you’re Anne Boleyn!”

“Well I’m going to have a head, Ian. I can hardly walk around all night without an actual head.”

“Then how are you Anne Boleyn, you mean you’re the living version?”

“No, quite dead, you just haven’t seen me apply my stitch marks around the neck.”

“Anne Boleyn has sewn her head back on?”

Barbara folded her arms. “I refuse to believe a resourceful young woman like Anne wouldn’t have immediately retrieved her head and started sewing. No ghost wants to walk around headless for eternity.”

Ian laughed and leaned in close to her neck again. “Well, whatever Anne looks like I think she might be my…type.”

She grinned and pushed his face away. “Ian, I’m trying to get ready, the UNIT Halloween party starts at eight, and I told Captain Yates we’d bring some wine. We don’t want to be late.”

“Don’t be so O-negative, Barbara, we won’t be late.”

She rolled her eyes. Parties always brought out Ian’s pun habit to the extreme. 

“Anyway, wait until you see the dress, its glorious.”

“Is it fang-tastic?”


“Alright, alright, go try it on, let’s see this thing.”

When Barbara emerged from the bathroom wearing the Tudor style dress, Ian’s eyes rose to the heavens and he was so shocked that his false vampire teeth nearly fell out of his mouth.

“I say, you look good enough to eat.”

Barbara sighed and pulled at his cloak. “Come on I think we should get going. I’m going to have to put up with this all night aren’t I?”

“I’m not that vein, Barbara,” he chuckled. “Get it…vein?”

“Oh Ian!” Barbara said pushing him to the doorway. “If you don’t be quiet I’m going to get the Gar-lics to exterminate you.” 

He laughed. “Good one, Barbara, I told you it was fun.”

When they arrived at the UNIT party, Captain Yates, dressed as a devil, greeted them with a glass of champagne. He kissed them both on the cheek. “Glad you could make it.”

“Chestertons,” the Brigadier said as he approached. “Glad you came, I’m afraid the Doctor and Miss Grant were called away on urgent business, it seems the Master’s got some scheme to re-awake the corpses on All Hallows Eve.”

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