Triple Trouble

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The Doctor stood at the console as Vicki and Susan gathered beside him, their arms linked through one another’s.

“I detect you’re after something, hmm?” the Doctor asked with a slight chuckle. 

Susan grinned. “We’re just wondering what you’re up to, Grandfather. Perhaps we can help.”

“I’m quite alright, Susan, quite capable of working my own ship.”

“He’s never given me driving lessons,” Susan chuckled to her friend. “Perhaps one day I can have control and take it for a spin, eh, Grandfather?”

The Doctor side-eyed his granddaughter and shook her away, moving around the console to avoid the look of disapproval from Vicki, and the look of disappointment from Susan. He looked quickly at his granddaughter and saw the sadness on her face. There was an adult inside her screaming to get out, and he’d been picturing her as a child for so long. He smiled and beckoned her over.

“My dear, I didn’t mean to dismiss you, one day I will teach you the navigations properly. How would you like that, hmmm?”

Susan screeched with glee and threw her arms around him, cuddling him tightly until he could barely breathe. “When can we have my first lesson?”

“Don’t overdo it, my dear, we must be patient.”

Susan sighed, realising her grandfather was a stubborn mule and wasn’t going to change any day soon.

Vicki was about to demand future lessons too when there was a kerfuffle and the door sprang open. A full-suited astronaut ascended towards them, holding out its hand in front of them in a form of greeting.

“I come in peace.” The muffled voice from beneath the helmet was breathy and almost inaudible.

The Doctor harrumphed. “Dodo!” he shouted. “Would you please get out of that and put on something practical?”

Dodo took off the helmet and carried it next to her, balancing it on her hip. “What if we have no air outside?”

“We’ll do the checks just as we do every time, my dear. Now there’s plenty of air in here and you can barely move in that gear.”

“I think its fab. If we ever get to the Moon, this is what they’ll be wearing!”

“Your time hasn’t got to the Moon yet?” Vicki asked with surprise.

“Give us a chance, it were only war twenty years ago. Thinking about it, though, I’m out here in space so technically I could end up the first human on the moon sometime soon.”

“And no one will ever know except us,” Vicki chipped in.

The Doctor chuckled and patted Vicki on the shoulder. “Why don’t you take yourselves back to the wardrobe and all get changed into suitable apparel? We’re taking an educational trip to a remarkable museum.”

“Educational?” Dodo said with a glum sigh. 

The Doctor didn’t reply and started to push them all gently in the direction of the doors. “Suitable clothes for lots of walking, off you go.”

The girls followed behind the Doctor, all having a chat about their new outfits they picked for the trip. Susan had opted for some of the clothes she’d bought in Carnaby Street in the 1960’s, and was wearing some fashionable jeans and her favourite striped Mary Quant cardigan. Vicki wore a blue casual dress with black leggings tucked into funky studded boots. Dodo had opted for something a little unusual, dressed in a full jester costume. Seeing her, the Doctor didn’t even bother to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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