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Beep. Beep. Beep.

   I opened the microwave to get my popcorn and hurried to bedroom where Oatmeal lay on my bed, waiting expectantly.

   "Move over, Oatmeal" I said as I took off my slippers.

   "Woof!" He replied happily and rolled over to the other side of the mattress.

   "I'm about to watch the horror films the others lent me so don't freak out if I scream, okay?" I said. He just bobbed his head up and down with great energy.

   I laughed and patted his back before getting under the comforter as well. Grabbing the remote control, I opened the TV to watch the disc I inserted earlier. It was a film from Spain. Arthur and the others kept warning me not to watch it, and I wouldn't have if not for the fact that Alfred bet me a free ticket to Disneyland if I could survive the night watching all the movies.

   Now, after watching (read: gasping) the movies, and almost strangling my dog at the process, I ended up falling asleep with my bedside lamp on. Actually, more like lying there curled in the covers like a cocoon with my dog fast asleep like a baby right next to me as I stared at the ceiling trying my best not to let my imagination run wild. The thought of a sickly pale girl in a white dress with long black hair crawling under the bed, or a serial killer sneaking inside the building—

   Nope, non, nyet, nein, no!

   "Let's not go down that road" I ordered myself.

   After probably half an hour, I tired my eyes out and next thing I knew I was dreaming about Oatmeal and I.

   Orange... Red.

   Burning. Screaming. People scattered about like ants.




   I woke up with a gasp, covered in sweat despite the cool November air. I turned to see that he was sleeping peacefully beside me. Sighing, I rubbed the underside of his chin.

   It's just a nightmare. 

   Thump, thump... All of a sudden, my senses grew sharp when the sound of faint footsteps could be heard from right outside my bedroom. Staying calm, I crept out the bed. I locked the door and"Hmpf!?" 

   Someone placed a gloved hand over my mouth, pulling me to their chest as they did so. I was about to fight back when I heard the bed creak. It was followed by a quiet sniff from Oatmeal. I clenched my fists and with all my might, elbowed my attacker.


   I spun around, knowing that my face was most likely red in anger, "Gilbert!"

   The self-proclaimed Prussian was hunched over until he forced his head up to face me. His red eyes were quite visible under the dim light of my lamp. He groaned but grinned nonetheless "Guten Abend, frau"

   "What are you doing here?" I demanded, still on my guard. He cackled, recovering a little too quickly than I would've wanted "Nothing to be worried about. Maybe"

   "This is breaking and entering, you know" I deadpanned.

   "But it's kinda fun, right?" A second voice emerged just as the doorknob clicked open from the outside (Honestly, do these guys know anything about the law?).

   "Alfred" I said without turning "So nice of you to join us" I licked my teeth and raised my voice, "Mathias, you can come out from the under the bed now" 

   A third cocky laugh echoed and surely enough the douchebag of Danes was crawling from beneath the bed "How'd you know I was there?"

   "My bed is old but it rarely creaks. Plus, Oatmeal is allergic to your cologne" I replied, causing him to smell his arm and signature red shirt.

   I let out a yawn "I'm going to bed. Make sure to lock the door when you three get out" But before diving into my bed I glanced at Alfred "And BTW, you owe me a ticket to Disneyland" He shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

   "Aren't you gonna ask us why we're here?" Mathias spoke.

   "Yeah, well, I'm too tired to deal with your games. I can call your brothers for you though" I threatened in the least obvious way possible. Naturally, these three lovable idiots couldn't possibly catch up. Wait. What did I just call them?

   "Aw, but it's important!" My thoughts are cut short when Alfred pouted and pulled me in for a hug, "We're gonna have our annual Halloween party and we want to invite you"

   "I don't have a costume"

   "We can get you one" Mathias winked.

   "There is no way in Hell I'm wearing any costume you buy me" I said and he also pouted but I ignored him "Besides, this Halloween party sounds like an intimate thing. A stranger like me shouldn't be there"

   "You're kidding, right?" Gilbert poked my cheek over and over, and it took a lot of willpower not to smack him right then and there, "If getting intimate is what we're talking about then West will be kissing my feet if I bring you there—KESESESESE!"

   "He'll hit you if you keep talking like that you know"

   "Anyway, you'll come, right?" Alfred asked, leaning in so close his blue eyes were almost blinding.

   "N.O." I replied.

   The three fell quiet and I felt the hairs on my skin stand up. Uh, oh.

   "Sorry about this, dudette"

   "We'll see you in a couple of hours" 


   I felt my sweat turn cold "What are you guys—"


That's it for today. I missed those three. But moving on, remember to vote! I'm really excited for this!


Poll # 1: Where do you want the party to be held?

B) Germany
C) Italy
D) Sweden/Norway
E) France

Poll #2: What costume would YOU wear?
A) A Greek/Roman/Norse Goddess (Specify)
B) Witch A mermaid
C) A superhero
D) A pirate
E) Something unorthodox and unique (Specify. The more options, the better)  

A Different Route (Hetalia x Female!Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora