4: The One with the *** Dungeon

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I was speechless. More than that, I was faceless. Aster just gave me something scarier than any of Antonio's films movies could show me, and though I may be exaggerating my mind was completely lost. Strangely enough, I knew that I should've been scared but aside from shock, I felt things heating up inside me.

Why? WHY? I questioned myself, looking around the dark room with its tall windows (I knew they were tall because of the heavy-looking velvet which were around five times my size) and dark wooden floor and dark walls decorated with handcuffs and that thing equestrians use to whip horses. Why does this room turn me on!?

More importantly...

"Does this belong to Gilbert?" Aster tilted his head innocently at me and stuck out his tongue. I didn't know what he was trying to say. Gilbert was one kinky son of a bitch but I never knew he was into that kind of play. Not that I was one to talk.

"Can we please leave? Aster? Hey!" The puppy had ran to a steel table loosely similar to a hospital gurney with its plain white mattress and thin cotton covers. Upon closer inspection, I saw that candle wax had dripped and dried on the stiff-looking bed. 

Now why would there be wax—oh, right. Right. Nodding like an idiot, I curled my fingers under the inside of my palm and spun around, refusing to acknowledge the fact that I understood why such stains were there.

Meanwhile, Aster was carrying a purple feather thing between his teeth and walked over to me. He began brushing the feather on my boots. I picked him up and he began swiping it across my face and ear. The softness and suddenness of it awakened my skin and I couldn't help but laugh as it tickled me.

I snatched the feather from him and glared at the puppy. He whined softly and nuzzled against my chest. I sighed "Like anyone could stay mad at you"

His ears suddenly perked up and so did mine. Footsteps, steady and silent but still audible, were heard just outside the hall. I panicked and threw the feather on the table before rushing under a table with white cloth and roses on it. I hugged Aster to my chest and crunched down to a fetal position, waiting for whoever was outside to enter the room.

I saw Ludwig come in, he had a big shirt in his hands, obviously looking for me. He scanned the room with those piercing ice-blue eyes. Smarter and sharper than most people, I knew that he was aware that an intruder came inside the room. 

He walked over the gurney—table—whatever, and picked up the purple feather that I left. Dropping it back on the table, he scanned the room once again and he spotted something just a few feet away from my hiding place. 

My free hand found its way to my chest and when I looked down I saw that my cross necklace was missing. 

Ludwig picked up the cross and he glanced at the table, a mysterious gleam in his eyes which have turned foggy like glass windows in winter. He got up, and I knew that I was in deep shit. However, before he could take another step, a loud voice boomed and for once I was grateful for that. 

"VEST!" Gilbert came running in with Berlitz and Blackie "What are you doing here? And where's zhe frau? Don't tell me you have her in handcuffs, you're such a naughty little—"

"Quiet, bruder" Ludwig hissed, cheeks pink and back to his regular self "I was looking for her. I found her something to wear"

"Keseseses! You lost a girl? Seriously, such bad luck with women" Gilbert teased.

Meanwhile, as the brothers quarreled, Berlitz and Blackie walked towards Aster and me. Aster kept wriggling in my hold but I told him to shush it. The two other dogs stopped in front of the table and just stared at us.

Ludwig whistled and the dogs followed him and his brother outside. The door closed behind them and I let out a sigh of relief. Aster woofed and I squeezed him. I let him go and I crawled out from under the table. 

"You are so not getting a gift from me" I said to him.  

"I don't supposed that you have any idea where's another exit" I put my hands on my hips, looking around. Aster just 'arf'ed and he hopped towards a giant air vent just above the gurney-table.

"Great. If that doesn't cure my claustrophobia I don't know what will" I sighed and started walking, "Come on"

I put him on the table before getting up on it as well. I touched the vent and it was surprisingly open, so I pulled out the lid but saw that there were cobwebs and skulls there. 

​​​​​​​ "KYAAH!" I shrieked and reflexively took a step back, forgetting that I was not on the ground. My foot slipped but I found myself cradled in Ludwig's arms.

"Hallo, frau" He greeted. 

​​​​​Gilbert laughed from behind him "Kesesese! Looks like she fell for it"


Ludwig shook his head "Bruder has a habit of pulling pranks on me. But it looks like you were the fool this time"

I just blushed and looked down.

"How did you find this place?" He asked when he put me back on the floor.

"I was..." I paused and then continued "I was looking for the bathroom. It's that time of the month again, you know how it is" I said, not one bit bothered of telling such a lie. Aster was a naughty puppy but he gave me an adventure. Speaking of—Aster was shrinking beneath the sharp gaze of his two older "brother" dogs. Well, he still deserved some kind of punishment.

"Well, I'm glad I found you. I found you a shirt. It's too big but it'll probably fit" Ludwig handed me a shirt, "Come on. I'll show you where the bathroom is"

"Thanks, Ludwig" I offered a small sheepish smile, realizing that what I just said about my bodily functions just made him awkward.

"I can't believe she actually found your sex dungeon!" Gilbert's whisper-voice was the equivalent of a normal person's talking-in-the-market voice, and so I heard him tease Ludwig from behind the bathroom door as I changed.

"Shut up, bruder!" I could tell that Ludwig was probably red. So he was into that kind of thing. I was surprised, but his control freak tendencies had to be more than just in training, I suppose. Maybe that was why I wasn't really taken aback when I found out—from a very loud Gilbert—that he was a sadist. 

I shrugged it off, but for some reason every time I thought of Ludwig in uniform with a whip... Nope, not going down that road. I shook my head and faced the oval mirror. The shirt was too big, but certainly too small to belong to Ludwig so it must've been Gil's. Either way, I couldn't fit it under my red coat so I had to leave the coat and just wear my costume as it was. Didn't matter, I still looked awesome anyway.

"Okay, guys, I'm done" I said and got outside, my coat folded over my arm.

"Finally—woah" Gilbert stopped short when he saw me, Ludwig turned to me and his blue eyes widened. 

​​​​​​​ I nodded "Yep, still got it" I said it more to myself than at him.

"You look... you—just, wow" Gilbert stuttered, blinking his red eyes. I just laughed and patted his cheek playfully before walking towards the door "Come on, they're probably about to announce the winner"

Author's Note: Done with that chapter. I love these two brothers! Anyway, do you guys have any idea what/who I should do (yeah, I'm punny like that XD)next  

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