7: The One Where You Find Out Pt. 2

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"I can't believe you said that to her. What were you thinking?" Allen pinched his sister's cheeks after half an hour of silence inside the plane. I didn't pay much attention, I had other important things to worry about.
   "Gah!" I threw my head back, "This is infuriating. What am I gonna do? WHAT AM I GONNA DO? This is a-a complete nightmare!"
   "Oh, I know, this must be so hard—Oh, no. Over twenty guys are head over heels crazy for me!" Arin slammed down the jar of marmalade on the tray, "They're all tall and gorgeous and sexy. Uh, oh. There's not enough room in my Louis Vuitton for my diamonds and my ruby shoes are too tight!"
   It wasn't like I didn't completely notice that something was going on between... well, us. From the way one acted when I was around to how the other treated me; anyone with half a brain would know that there was a jig; a vibe.
   But these guys weren't just your everyman. They were exotic (well, some of them) and wealthy and drop dead gorgeous—let's not deny it. They were awesome, all of them. They were awesome squared times infinity plus one. Maybe so awesome that the gears of my brain perceived the very idea of any of them having a crush on me was simply atrociously comical.
   Wow. Maybe deep inside, I wasn't as secure and confident as I thought I was.
   I sighed, rubbing my temples. 'This was going to be a real bitch'. Suddenly, I felt something soft and moist slide up my arm. My spirits lifted up when I saw Oatmeal looking up at me with those big innocent brown eyes.
   Watching him so carefree and happy... Why couldn't I have been of a different species; like a moose or a turtle? I'd make a cute turtle.
   Allen stopped assaulting his sister and the three of us stared at the icon above our seats, instructing us to buckle in. The polite young stewardess appeared and began to help us put on the belts.
   "What's going on? Turbulence?" Arin asked as she adjusted the strap.
   "We're approaching a blizzard, miss" The attendant clicked the seat belt securely "We're going to have an emergency landing"
   "So does that mean we won't be able to reach London?" Allen inquired.
   The attendant gave him an apologetic smile "I'm afraid not, sir"
   After checking that everyone had their seat belts on, the attendant excused herself and went to wherever they sit during flight. When the plane managed to safely land, Arin was more than happy for the extra days in the States.
   "Sweet! We can go sight-seeing" She pumped her fists upwards.
   Allen sighed "Don't be so carefree. Once we get home we're going to have to study twice as harder"
   "Dudette!" We turned around to find Alfred running towards us. He was one of the pilots so he didn't get off board with us.
   "What happened there?" Arin asked, referring to our sudden emergency landing.
   Alfred shrugged "I don't know. When we checked the weather for today there were no reports about any storms or whatever"
   'A freak blizzard?' I put a hand over my chest, struggling to breathe.
   "Hey, are you okay?" Allen, the most perceptive here, looked worried.
   My heart slowed down but then began to pump as though I just ran a marathon. Nevertheless, I tried to reassure them "I'm fine... just disoriented"
   "You sure?" Alfred reached a hand towards me but I pulled away. Arin and Allen stiffened.
   I put both hands to my chest "I-I'm sure. Are you gonna take long?"
   "No, no. I'll be talking to a couple of people for a while but then we'll return to the White House. You guys go ahead and eat or something, I'll catch up"
   "Okay" I answered nervously. How was I supposed to act towards him? Dammit, Arin.
   "Okay" He nodded. Something told me he was upset.
   Arin bit her lips, "Oh-kay then..." She took me by the shoulders and turned me around "We'll be waiting for you in that café"
   "No. Wait, dudette" I was pulled away from Arin and forced to look at Alfred. I refused to make eye contact, I felt self-conscious under his gaze.
   "Yeah?" I squeaked.
   "I was actually invited to this baseball fantasy camp and they said I could take a friend, so..." He trailed off.
   "No" I cleared my throat and tried to calm myself. Whenever I was nervous my throat would get really dry and my voice would vibrate into an annoying high-pitched squeak "I mean, I'm not really good at sports and well, I think I'll just study with Arin and Allen. We have a test after the break"
   "Oh" I dared myself to look up and I felt bad when I saw him drop his smile, but that was only for a second. He eventually laughed "Yeah, sure. Okay. That's cool. I'll see you guys in five, 'kay?"
   I nodded, my movements rigid. Inwardly sighing a breath of relief, I turned around and speed-walked to the café with Oatmeal, Arin and Allen.
   We got our orders; an espresso for Allen, cold milk for Arin, and chamomile tea for me. As we sat down, Arin began to ramble again.
   "Fantasy camp, huh?"
   "Yeah..." I still couldn't get Alfred's face off my mind. I hated myself.
   "Fantasy camp. You going to a fantasy camp? Please" Arin chugged down the bottle of milk in half   "Your entire life's a fantasy camp. I'd pay big money to live like you for a week. Do nothing, attract the attention of hot foreigners, fall ass-backwards into the arms of hot foreigners, and make out with hot foreigners without the overbearing responsibility of dating—Now, that" She gestured the bottle towards me "Is a fantasy camp" I swear, given the legal opportunity, I might end up killing her.
   "Here" Allen passed Arin his half-eaten Danish "Put something in your mouth besides your foot"
   She made a mocking face but happily bit down the pastry.
   "You know, there's nothing good about this situation" I defended myself.
   "No, of course not" She answered sarcastically, mouth full.
   "I've been put in the difficult and unfortunate position of having to consider other people's feelings.   It's weird being on this side of the friend zone, okay?" I picked up my cup and brought it to my lips   "You don't know how lucky you are being an insensitive asshole"
   Arin stopped chewing and Allen laughed.
   I smiled at her, "It's a gift that you should cherish"  

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