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It was early morning and everyone in the Jump City were still asleep, except one guy. It was Robin. He was sitting on the roof of Titans Tower thinking all night.

Robin's POV

Is it sunrise? I lost track of time. I spent here all night... and I still don't know what should I do. I can't stop thinking about Star, since one week ago she kissed me in my cheek. I always wanted to tell her about my feelings. I really like her, but not only as a friend. She's the most beautiful girl I ever saw. I love her beautiful, long, red hair and her amazing green eyes... I could listen her cute voice all days. I truly love her wonderful big smile. When she's sad, I'm sad too, when she's happy, I'm happy too. I want to be someone more than a friend to her... but also I'm very scared. I'm afraid that someone could use our love against us. I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to her. Or maybe it's just my dream... Dream that will never come true. Maybe she doesn'y love me, maybe she wants me to be just a friend...

Suddenly Robin's communicator turned on. It was Beast Boy.

BB: "Dude! Where are you?!"

R: "What's going on BB?"

BB: "You have a guest! Hurry!"

R: "A guest? Who is that?"

BB: "And that's why I'm so excited! He told that he's from Batman!"

R: "I'm coming, give me a second."

Robin's POV

"What's going on? Batman needs my help? Well... Let's go see my 'guest'."

I went to the living room and saw Batman's butler, best friend and a father figure Alfred Peenyworth.

"Hello Alfred! It's been some time. I missed you."

"Oh, welcome master D... Oh, I'm sorry, I mean master Robin."

"Don't worry Alfred, titans know my real identity."

Starfire suddenly asked with confusion:

"Who is that Robin?"

"Titans, this is Alfred. He and Batman took care of me when my parents died."

Then I remembered this tragedy and my face became sad. I was quiet for a brief moment, but then I felt Starfire's hand on my shoulder. She looked at me and smiled. It was all I needed to wake up from my sudden nightmare.

"Alfred, this is Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg and Starfire."

"Nice to meet you Titans." He said. Then I became serious and decided to ask Alfred, what's going on.

"Alfred... is everything ok? Is Batman ok?"

"Of course master Dick. Master Bruce sent me to inform you that he will come to the Jump City for a short visit. He heard about good things you've done here and that you're the leader of the group of super heroes called the Teen Titans. Master Bruce is very interested in your progress as a leader."

And then Beast Boy exclaimed louder than ever before...

"We're gonna meet the legendary Batman! The Dark Night of Gotham City! I can't believe! My dreams come true!"

Raven looked at him and immediately silenced using her dark energy.

"Much better." Raven said with ironic smile.

"So Alfred..." I started  "when can we expect him?"

"On this Friday." He replied.

"Are you gonna stay here too?" I asked him.

"Unfortunately I can't. I have to go back to Gotham. It was great to meet you Titans."

"Wait Alfred! I'll walk you out."

Alfred and I went to the exit. After leaving the tower he said something that made me blush.

"She's very beautiful."

"W-What do you mean?"

"You know exactly that I'm talking about... wait, I can't remembered her name..."

"Starfire!" I shouted and put my hand on my mouth. Alfred always knew when I lie, or something is bothering me.

"I saw the you're looking at her, and also saw her looking at you. I think she likes you."

"You think?" I asked hopefully. 

"I'm sure." The butler stated and smiled.

Then I decided to ask him for advice.

"How could I tell her about my feelings?"

"Just be yourself and tell her the truth, trust me, I know what I'm saying."

"Thank you Alfred." Then butler boarded a ship, and gone back to Gotham.

You're my everything (Robin and Starfire)Where stories live. Discover now