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Starfire's POV

I came in... I noticed a bed in the middle of the room... and Robin lying on this bed. I stood for a while and then decided to go on. I came closer to him and finally saw his face. I took off his mask and looked at the eyelids covering his ocean blue eyes. Tears rolled down my cheeks a this sight... Robin was very pale, his breath was slow and irregular. I saw a lot of bruises on his body... I sat beside him and grabbed his hand. His body was cold... I gently laid my head on his chest and cried.

"I..." I started hysterically but couldn't end because of my tears. After a few minutes I started again.

"I - I am so sorry Robin... This is all my fault... Maybe... if I was stronger... and if I did not let Slade kidnap me... It never would have happened." Suddenly I felt that he gripped my hand... It was some kind of Robin's message to me. He's aware I'm here. Even now, he's trying to cheer me up. I spent with him the rest of the night. I was really tired so I fell asleep beside him.

* Starfire's dream *

"Slade please, let me go!"

"It's about time to teach you something..."

Then Starfire's dream moved to the circus.

"I want you... to know something Star... I love you, I LOVE YOU, AND ALWAYS WI..."

"Robin, no! Robin! Oh God! What have I done!?"

"Starfire... it's your fault... You killed me!"

* End of the dream *

I woke up and immediately started crying. I looked around and remembered where am I. I looked at Robin, he was still in a coma. Again I noticed that Robin is sending me a message. He smiled. It was quick and I barely noticed but he did. 

"Robin? You cannot answer, but for sure... You can hear me. Please... wake up. I need you..." I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep again.

Batman's POV

I commanded Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy to go back to the tower... Jump City still needed Titan's protection. I stayed in the hospital. I was thinking about everything thathappened. It's been one day... one day more left for him to wake up. I abolished doors to the room where Starfire with Robin were. I noticed that she fell asleep, so I decided not to interrupt. She actually needed some rest after all of this.

After a few hours Starfire left the room.

"Is everything okay with him?" I asked.

"Yes... I am just a little hungry..." She actually didn't eat anything for a long time.

"Wait here, I'll take for you something from 'Snacks Bar'."

"Okay..." She replied sadly.

I bought some snacks and came back to Starfire.

"Thank you." She said softly and started eating.

"You're welcome." After a while of silence I decided to say something.

"You know... When doctors took Robin on surgery they gave me something. This fell out of his pocket and is addressed to you." I gave Starfire the envelope.

"What's that?" She asked confused. 

"I don't know... I didn't open." I replied.

"Thank you, I think I should go back to Robin."

"Of course." I smiled and let her go.

Starfire's POV

I came back to Robin and sat beside him. Another hours passed. I was slowly losing my hope. Then I brushed up on the letter Batman gave me.

You're my everything (Robin and Starfire)Where stories live. Discover now