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Robin's POV

I can't believe... Just a few hours ago, we were eating breakfast together and now... My worst enemy kidnapped the love of my life.

"Titans! Are you ok? What happened!? Where is Starfire!?" I shouted.

"We don't know." Cyborg said.

I fell to my knees and bent down my head. My heart almost stopped. I simply couldn't pull myself together. S

"No... it's impossible." I whispered to myself.

"Dude... we'll find her." Beast Boy said.

"What about the message?" I asked with anger. If even a single hair falls off her head, it's on me. I'm so stupid!

"Take a look on the TV." Cyborg said and showed Robin the recording.


"Hello Robin. If you're watching this, it means that my plan succeeded. I've been watching you for a while. You... and your alien friend. It would be just too easy to end you. She's your greatest weakness... and I will make you suffer fate wore than death. Do you know what's the funniest part of my plan? You can't do anything to save her. You'll never find me. You're just too weak!"

In that moment I threw my birdarang at the TV screen. All of a sudden all I felt was anger and rage. My pulse raised so much it felt like if my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I was quiet for a while but then BB said.


I cut him off. 

"Shut up..." I know I shouldn't but... I'm just not in the mood. 

"Hey! We know that you're sad but could you be nicer? We all want to find her." Cyborg shouted.

"How could you let that happened!?" I yelled to all Titans. We have a security system! How could you let him just came into our home!? What about your powers Raven!? You could've sensed that!"

"Robin stop!" Batman shouted. "No one seen it coming. We'll find her but you have to calm down."

"How am I supposed to do that!? Slade is probably going to kill her! This all is my fault! I have to find her. Now."

"You can't do this alone! We're a team!" Cyborg shouted.

"Yes, I can! And I will!" I yelled back and quickly left the tower. I couldn't let Slade hurt Star. I have to save her while there's still time.


My anger was still raising. I was attacking and interrogating everyone who may know where Slade is, but I didn't found anything. I stayed on the roof of Queen Consolidated. My mind was full of every memory with Star, since she came to Earth. Suddenly I noticed that someone isbehind me. It was Batman.

"What are you doing here?! You won't stop me; I have to find her! She needs my help." Everytime she was in trouble, I always found a way to save her. Right now... I'm lost. Vulnerable. Scared... Dunno what to do.

"That's enough Robin! You sent eight people to the hospital. You almost killed them!"


"Look, I know what you feel, but you're this kind of man."

"You don't understand! Since my parents died... I promised to myself that I'll protect people I love! I can't lose her too..."

You're my everything (Robin and Starfire)Where stories live. Discover now