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Cyborg's POV

We've been working all days to find any clues about Slade's whereabouts. It's been a week since he kidnapped Starfire. Robin worked harder than anyone, he didn't sleep, even for a minute.

One night, when everyone was asleep, except Robin of course, I went to him to help.

"Hey man..." I greeted him. He looked bad. 

"Hi... I thought everyone's sleeping. What are you doing here?" He asked surprised. I saw that he's very tired.

"You know... I'm half robot, so I don't have to sleep eight hours. Maybe... I could replace you here? You need some rest."

"Don't worry, I'm okay." He replied. What different answer could I expect? Guy really cares about Star. 

"If something happens, I'll immediately wake you up. You need some sleep to fight Slade."

"I... I can't Cy. It's hard, y'know? Everytime I close my eyes I hear her scream. I have to find her. This day... when Slade kidnapped Starfire... I was ready to tell her about my feelings, but then... I lost her. My worst enemy already knows that hurting Starfire... will hurt me more than anything ever before. I failed her..." 

"It's not your fault, we will save her and Slade's gonna pay for this."

"You know what's the worst? I told Starfire that I will protect her..."

"You couldn't see this coming, it was an accident." I was trying to cheer him up. Although it wasn't easy in his actual state. 

"Yeah... accident which can cost Star's life. I will never forgive myself if something bad will happen to her."

"Hey, get some sleep and prepare for kicking Slade's butt." Robin rubbed his eyes, yawned loudly and stared at the computer screen one last time. 

"Ehh.. Fine... just wake me up when you get something."

Then Robin went to his room and I started looking for any traces of Slade or Starfire.

Robin's POV

"Robin! Help me, please!" It's her! I would always recognize that voice. But I can't tell where are those screams coming from. 

"Starfire, I'm coming!!!" Her voice weakened. I lost it somewhere in the darkness. Why is it so dark here anyway?

"It's too late Robin..." I turned around and saw his cursed masked face. 

"Slade! Where is Star!?" My attacks didn't work. Slade simply disappeared. 

"You couldn't save her... she's gone." I froze when I saw Starfire's body hanging from the ceiling. All covered in blood with my written on her forehead.


I'm in my bed!? It was just... another nightmare. I can't sleep... It's midnight. Starfire always loved to watch the full moon with me. I'm going back to monitoring the city.

Then I heard familiar voice.


"What!? Who's here?"

"It's me Robin, your worst nightmare." 

I looked on my communicator, it was the source of this voice. Slade somehow managed to break into our comms.

"Slade!" I shouted angrily.

"Shhhh... You wouldn't want to wake your friends, wouldn't you? This war is between you and me. And the finall battle comes today. Maybe you'll be interested... I will tell you where Starfire is. But... under one condition."

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